Brand new top stats page

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  • #4682
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    I built a brand new Top Stats page, Its the default stats page that is loaded when clicking statistics from the website navigation.

    I was promised a new web stats UI over 4 months ago by the stats plugin developers buddy, but he never did anything. I got sick and tired of waiting and built a top stats page yesterday.

    It includes a lot of data, it may be too much for one page, but I couldn’t think of another way to lay it out, (ideas welcome)

    We still have a lot of other data that isnt getting displayed, PVP, PVE, Blocks Broken and Placed, I could split these into 2 new pages, but im unsure on how to lay them out.

    For instance every block broken and placed is recorded, so we could show the Top diamond miners, or top Stonebrick placers, but that for every block would be insane to write and display, if anyone can think of a method to display this, maybe in a chart (Google web charts) then please respond to this thread.

    PVP & PVE should be easy enough to display the latest and top etc.

    I also want a page to show the newest joining players.

    So loads of things to code still!

    For now enjoy the new top stats page!

    • Topics: 42
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    Aw snap

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

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