BOTM Entry- Twilight Tower

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  • #21048
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    Build name: Twilight Tower
    Builder’s username: Midnight_Kitsune
    Builder’s helpers (if any): None
    Exterior view co-ords: -2135, 67, 1829,  -2052, 70, 1817
    Interior view co-ords: -2135, 69, 1807
    Build description (optional): Twilight Tower is an almost 200-block tall tower that shows the great beauty and portentousness of the night. The lava decoration/defense can be controlled from the inside by a lever. Made with nether bricks, it is completely siege-proof in its structure. It looks better at night and from afar. The sea lantern light at the top represents the lights of the night sky – the moon and the stars. If you do happen to stop by, be kind to Dusk. ^-^
    Approximate build time (optional): About a week.

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    Crazy Pirate
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    Not how you do it.

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    @MoonKitsune, in order for this to count as an entry, you need to reply in the relevant thread 🙂

    • Topics: 25
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    My mistake. Fixing now.

    - Solo player -

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    Silly billy

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