BOTM & BOTY Competitions

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    These comps are one of the biggest on Piratecraft and we have seen many amazing builds, don’t panic this is not a the competitions are ending post. Over the months we have come into a lot of issues regarding these comps such as cheating (double voting) etc and a lack of entries (mainly recently)

    to tackle the cheating issue:

    I do have a list of rules that I’ve already created, just need to find my little black book. Now i am open to rule suggestions, so i can compile a proper page and list down the rules for everyone to see and abide by. Most of these fall down to honesty.


    regarding lack of entries, now there are hell of a  lot of builds out there, most of which should of been entered ages ago, regardless if they’re finished or not. T His is a great chance for you guys to get big prizes and some recognition. Plus if you win, you get entered into BOTY, which is another chance for you guys to get prizes.

    • what can we do to keep you guys interested in the competitions?
    • is there enough info regarding the competitions?

    I’m looking for feedback and any suggestions, so i can keep improving and move things forward.

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    For rules I think a BIG one should be against bribery in game.

    An added option to this would be to make it PUNISHABLE meaning people could get away with it if they are sneaky (pirate theme and all).


    However outright attempting to bribe the whole server is really pretty upsetting when this is supposed to be about the builds. For BOTY I felt pressured to bribe a few players after seeing other people spend all day bribing for votes! The fact another player should even feel the need to bribe for votes just to make things fair is rediculous!



    I also think there should be a disclaimer about double votes. Some people have multiple computers, and when this happens it’s easy to double vote on accident thinking you hadn’t yet voted. (I know this happened to me when I got my second computer and I had to ask Gods to take one of my votes off.)

    If there’s a little text blurb somewhere, cautioning against accidental double voting; then you can safely punish anyone double voting, knowing there is no excuse.



    I think the big reason why people aren’t entering their builds is fear of greifing. I know several people that are private and don’t mind showing off; but letting the whole server/forums know where their base is or what it looks like is just a call for attention, and that means trolls and greifers. Especially with the new greif prevention not resetting seiged blocks, no one wants to call attention to their nicer builds.

    Also remember some people have builds they WANT to put in BOTM but aren’t quite finished yet. I know I have quite a few of those!

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    Thanks for that,

    i have a big list of rules written down somewhere, i’ll spend the weekend digging it up and write out on here for all to see. Comment as necessary, i think once these rules have made it clear, people would be less afraid of entering their builds. I have a big rule in which prevents people from touching or entering builds during BOTM comp. (this will exclude BOTY as i will already have the final screens).


    See with the bribe front, im not fussed as its true to piracy, me and gods have spoken about it and it will for now be against the rules to bribe, unless we can  come to some sort of agreement.

    Alex Lazescu
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    Perhaps a limit on how much you can bribe a person on, so fellow bribers can compete? And the players who are in BOTM have to reply to the main BOTM thread with the exact amount of “Campaign Funds” sent to another player, so that we can keep track of what goes to whom.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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    I also like the idea of making it ‘punishable’ in the game such as with mutes and jailtime, though even still while it’s true to piracy, should the server theme apply to competitions that are meant to be about the builds themselves?

    And not just botm/boty but also important server polls. Shouldn’t these things be based more on the server’s opinion as a whole, rather than what the richest players want to happen?


    I dunno, I agree that until a good system is put into place, bribing should not be allowed. By all means find a way to let the pirate theme fit into the competitions, but until a good way is found I am glad to know competitions will be fairly based on the quality of the build and not the balance of the player.

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    The original idea for a less biast opinion was to let the community to vote. For us we can clearly see what builds will win hands down. But letting you guys vote changes the game. Itsl really surprises us as to what builds win now, which is fantastic and keeps things fair.

    Also originally all builds had to be pirate themed. But for me that was too specific and not everyone builds like that.

    I quite like the campaign idea, maybe only for BOTY woukd that be more befitting.

    The more i think about bribary the less i like it for BOTM. I was kinda hoping people woukdbt be so easily bought, but yet again this server never ceases to surprise me.

    As i run these comps on my own, what would you guys think to me opening it up to a team? So therell be for example a team of 5 running the competitions, coming up with ideas, grabbing the screens etc etc.

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    I  think it would be easier with more people, though there would still certainly need to be a head of the botm team to keep everyone organized and in the know.

    I know I wouldn’t mind helping, given the chance.

    Could be helpful to have a set date and time when the botm posts get made, when the polls end and when the winners will be listed etc. Now that boty is over we have a base standard to work off of for next year.


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    There is set dates and timings, each poll should run for a week.

    Hence why i need all entries to be in by thr 25th. It then gives me a few hours to write up and sort out the screens. The process can work fluidly.

    But godsdead does the final checks before release date. But what we can do is write up a bunch of drafts and we can release the posts on a timer.

    Naturally ill be head of the comps but i think it needs a few more people to help. Then i can have deputies on both comps.

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    Ideally, every BOTM needs to finish on the 1st of every month, so thats when the winners post will be going live and the start of the folkowibg months comp.

    Ill post out these rules tonight (uk time) and then for you to read and modify.

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    Okay! Are you looking more for staff volunteers or anyone who is willing and able to help?

    If you are open to anyone helping I’m sure I can ask around and find some of the better builders on the server to help; I’m just not sure the criteria you want for this team.

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    i am looking for a team yes. i’ll get more info on that asap, for the time being here are some rules. Not as many as i thought i’ve previously wrote but its a start haha.




    Monthly build competition, where contestants enter their builds and a winner is decided by a Community vote. This is done via a polling system. The winner of each month will receive a prize and his/hers build will then be entered into BOTY (Build of the Year) Competition.


    1. Only one build per palyer can be submitted each month.

    2. Repeat submissions of the same build will lead to disqualification (each month needs to be a different set of builds).

    3. Others players are not allowed to visit, touch, seige, destroy, set warps, set home or alter the builds that have been entered in any way untill the competitoon has finished.

    4. If other players wish to visit the builds, they must seek permission from the build owner and abide any rules set from the owner or within this competiton.

    5. All players must respect the build owners wishes and decisions.

    6. Each build submitted must be complete, no alterations of any kind to be made during the competition. If any builds have been altered during the competition, this will lead to disqualification.

    7. There are no size limits.

    8. Any type of build can be submitted, from a simple garden shed to a fully working city..

    9. Screens will be taken by SuperGL/and/or a member of his team. The resource pack to be used is Chroma Hills, with Seus Shaders. (builders may wish to bear this in mind).

    10. Build owners can request images to be taken and choose images to submit.

    11. If desired players can create a progress report. THis can be done by any means i.e images/videos.

    12. Each build must be submitted before the 25th of each month. late submissions will be put forward to the following months’ competition.

    13. If nobuilds have been submitted to BOTM, then the prize of that month will be destroyed and a new one will be created for teh following month.

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    Rule # 3; does this mean any winning entry also cannot be touched until the BOTY ends? Or is it just meant to safeguard the entries that month?


    Also, is there any word on who won BOTY this year? The voting was very close!

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    Ok so I was thinking long and hard both about how to protect people working on botm and to encourage more people to build.


    First off, prizes:

    The botm diamond toolkit isn’t exactly… Very pro? It would be to new players; but most donators have a slew of dia tools. Fortune comes on every pick you enchant with 30 levels now; so perhaps since its a new year, it’s time to upgrade the prizes? If even one of the items was silk touched, people would compete like crazy!

    For entries that didn’t win, what about a consolation prize? Could be something cool, but fairly worthless like a colored name item (but the item is something silly like a fish or food or something). This would give players a desire to compete, knowing that even though they might lose they will still be able to ‘collect’ that months item just for competing!

    You could even make it so that every year is different, or so that its the same item but a different colored name every month; so that people have a need to ‘collect’ every month and all your builders who have half finished but gorgious builds will have an excuse to finish it, just to be able to enter that month.




    I think the rules on keeping builds safe from grief and seige is absolutely fantastic! It will protect the build, but what about the builder?

    Like for instance, atm I have several builds I am trying to complete; but when I go to work on them I get killed for my materials. I basically have to limit my building time to late night, when no one is on, just so I can build without someone stealing all the blocks for the build.

    So, I’m not sure perhaps a rule that you cannot kill/steal from someone mid build. I am speaking strictly when they are on the build, working on it. This would not include trips to shops etc, and would not cover people who initiate pvp with their building mats in their inventory.



    Also; topic bumps! Super is asking you guys how he can make this competition better; I know I’m not the only one with suggestions!

    Smokey River
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    I like Azuires ideas i think they are very on point! I also agree with the rules on builds not being destroyed etc. I like the competitions as I enjoy building!!! Did the March BOTM get canceled?? I can’t wait to continue these! I do have a question about changing the build, does this even mean chests can’t be added or removed? Oh and I don’t think bribery should be allowed honestly it needs to be based off of skill and not who has the most crap to give away.


    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


    -Founder of Crew Savage-
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    *depends on how you want to view my super powers*

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    sorry for teh long delay, your points are very valid @Azuries great to get some feedback.

    Im still waiting for @godsdead to realease BOTY so  i can release March and Sort out April BOTM.

    nothing has been canelled (yet) @smokeyriver


    That prize idea is fantastic, its the one thing we do struggle on is finding out what would be really attractive to players. Consolation prizes could be some kind of jokey prizes too maybe, ” i entered this competition and all i got was this louzy fish” haha.


    Protecting the builds is the main priority, mainly for those that wish to visit and plus its your time to show it off without any griefing etc. I dont know how we wuld eb able to protect the players, i feel if i started doing that then the whoel server would take adavtage of it, saying dont kill me im buildoing for BOTM but really not. besides we are pirates afterall?

    maybe if we could come up with a way of solving this issue? i also feel that it will restrict building plots if we did protect the players.


    anythiung else to add to the rules would be amazing, i will get on to releasing these posts ASAP and get back on track.


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