BH Territory

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  • #17004
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    Sorry about that, not my base, wrong side of the map xD


    Crazy Pirate
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    You do realise that by placing your fleet there, it is facing /warp market, and North Verussia? I’m almost 100% sure that between them, the claim some of the territory you claim to be yours.

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    What does that stand for?

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    Additionally one of your claims interferres with the claim of Zoroax999’s British Empire province.

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    Your “territory” is rigght beside where I’ve been building my tower and soon my town. See that big round sand thing in that savannah biome? Yeah. That’s me.

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    Are you a professional cartographer? That looks amazing! *subtle cough*

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    Elexandre, feel free to settle on our grounds, we are peaceful until provoked.


    @Zoroax999 I am not going to take it.


    I forgot to say this. We are using the edge/maybe 100 blocks in as our territory. If you have a town, its fine. My group is ppeaceful until provoked. I mean, unless your on the bounty. Even then we only come for the money.


    Palmer it stands for Bounty Hunters.


    Are you a professional cartographer? That looks amazing! *subtle cough*

    Dude I had 3 min. to do that 😛



    Once again, you can settle on the soon to be lands, but if you build a house next to us, then we could have a problem.




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    elex dont trust his “peace” bs at the moment that he gets more men he will raid you none stop….trust me i know by expiriance.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    This won’t do at all. That savannah biome, and a small chunk of the two ocean biomes and desert biomes next to it, belong to me. I chose this area specifically to try and avoid BE and EE’s “I own these few hundred miles!” bs. I will deal with you like how I dealt with BensterPC when he decided to attack me randomly. If you try to claim my area belongs to you, then we will have a problem.

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    Dr.Solid,I totally agree,’Peaceful until provoked’ is absolute bs regarding that him and others came to attacked,if Dorkito didn’t use / back then I would’ve wiped out his crew.

    Dorkito, like CrazyPirate said, your ‘territory’ is dangerously close to mine and since you have not built anything within there,I would like for you to restrict your area a tiny bit to prevent tensions between our lands.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    I should probably provide a map of the Verussian Empire just so people are clear of our defined territory and were to avoid building and such.


    Leader of the Verussian Empire and the country Verussia.

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    @officalrs that would be great!



    .solid I will not raid Elex. Elex is building a town and I will not disturb her.



    @elexandre CALM DOWN you are starting a town like I am. You have done nothing to me, why would I do something to you?


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    its obvios why living together to close to each other if either one of you came too a disagrement you both would fight none stop until one of you left the land since you are so close to each other and dont forget that this also limits his exploring and building if he plans to expaned its not whats going on now its about the future.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    Like Solid said, your “territory” now prevents me from expanding and can cause many possible future problems. If you so much as have one issue with me, or visa versa, then neither of us will be able to do much without the possibility of the other attacking. Oh, and I’m a guy. The name doesn’t have a “a” at the end,, it has a “e”.

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