BE is now BVP?

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    Rep, I have been confronted many times with ” I was killed by BE, do something, you are supposed to be friendly!!”. How can I act on that? there is no evidence that the person is even telling the truth or is just trying to milk me for some money or what not.. I ask, when you report something – Please show me the screenshot of BE killing you, it’s not hard. I’m not saying otitoes is doing this, but the point of this thread is to ask why we are killing innocents, so I tell him that we are not, I give an example of how you should not report these kinds of incidents to us and I’m telling you how to report them instead for future incidents, since I often get confronted with someone being butt hurt about being killed by BE, but they do not contact BGraph and report to him so that he can punish the wrongful BE members. We are trying to control our members as good as we can, we have a system of which justice will be served to rogue BE members if they indeed break our laws and violate foreigners, but it is not helping if the ones being killed are staying silent or just moaning to the server for pity, but not really giving any useful information to us. It is not aimed at otitoes to mock him of any sort.

    Build, Law is not VPM anymore, that’s the end of it. He never rejoined, nor has he gotten any government positions after he left. Stop spreading wrongful rumors, your behavior has been quite inappropriate these past few weeks, so please think before you post wrongful information anywhere.

    Founder of Port Hope

    The Queen
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    Well that can make perfect sense in a way bislo, I can understand what you mean because I to get confronted sometimes.

    With that said, I can see how you feel with all of it! It’s part of the job though 😉

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Yeah, I know.. It is hard to keep track of all your members when you don’t know all of them personally. That’s why we have laws, that’s why we have people to make sure these laws are maintained. Have in mind the BE is the largest crew of the server, so naturally it can be hard for us to make sure everyone inside is perfect.

    I cannot go around and deal with this all the time, thus why we have a Minister of Justice, a person who deals with solving these kinds of civilian disputes.
    All things related need to go to BGraph, not me. I hope that’s clear enough, I advise everyone who has been wrongfully abused by a BE member, to voice their concerns to him. He has the knowledge and experience to deal with these things just as well as I can and he also have the power to do so.

    Founder of Port Hope

    The Queen
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    Well yes I agree but the EE Is just as large now, we keep our pvp aimed at those are threats, some pirates. not being competitive but trust me i have the same problems.

    Its just I think what made people like idio post this is that, some were not used to some BE people, to fight and raid.

    I can see some enjoy the aspect of it and that is indeed a part of the experience! Bis remember tho that we are empires who fight pirates lol. We are bound to fight, and now that people have seen the BE fight they can admire some of the power you guys have stored!

    I get you guys like the peace title but sometimes I would expect the British to show that mighty red power 😉


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    The only reason we attacked these people was because of there obvious hacks, and before you go claiming that they aren’t hacking Iodiwan you were not there to record or see them hacking.

    Ummm… this wasn’t directed at anyone in particular, just BE as a whole! I know you guys have some crazy good PvPers in your crew, but they need to remember what they’re upholding, peace! I will not name any names as for now. A member of your crew killed me multiple times with out provocation last night and I don’t believe we’re rivals nor at war. Other members of Pirate Craft have noticed this too, It’s always been your choice on which way you go. You might want to become the next 0utlawz/CoV of the server as you have strength in numbers, I just want to know what you define your crew as, peaceful or offensive (not in the rude way)

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~

    The Queen
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    See that will never happen. The BE are better than to drop to to become a massive Piratecrew lol.

    Plus there negative affects would be..

    -9/10 kicked from a the allied on a vote

    – Loose there alliance with many respected nations

    -again a bad reputation

    Which quite frankly I don’t think they want. 😉

    plus keep in mind those crews are kind of an insult…. I wouldn’t compare the BE to that

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    Otitoes, Your reply really annoys me. I told you to SPEAK OUT to BGraph, who is killing you and bring evidence, otherwise I will see your statement as a bold lie to put the BE in a bad spot, just because we have broken our alliance with your crew and now you are probably salty about that. That is what I get from this thread. You don’t want a solution, you want to frame the entire BE for being violent towards your crew, when in reality it might just have been that you got cocky towards someone, thinking they are BE so they are harmless anyway. Then you get killed and go cry on the forums, spitting out false claims that now BE is a violent crew who is now killing innocents, you literally says that the BE is now killing innocents of the server. I don’t see YOU being innocent if you harass the members of BE. Leave them alone of they will be mad, just like anyone would. If you wish to see justice, contact BGraph, I have told you this twice now, but you seem not to listen, so again, I don’t know what to do for you, when you bring absolute zero energy into solving what might have happened. You cannot back ANY of your claims and therefore no one can help you.

    This thread has turned into aids and I think its time we close the conversation, because it leads nowhere from this point.

    Founder of Port Hope

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    I would like to be able to add to this conversation, but I think everything has already been said clear as day.

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    Otitoes, Your reply really annoys me. I told you to SPEAK OUT to BGraph, who is killing you and bring evidence, otherwise I will see your statement as a bold lie to put the BE in a bad spot, just because we have broken our alliance with your crew and now you are probably salty about that. That is what I get from this thread. You don’t want a solution, you want to frame the entire BE for being violent towards your crew, when in reality it might just have been that you got cocky towards someone, thinking they are BE so they are harmless anyway. Then you get killed and go cry on the forums, spitting out false claims that now BE is a violent crew who is now killing innocents, you literally says that the BE is now killing innocents of the server. I don’t see YOU being innocent if you harass the members of BE. Leave them alone of they will be mad, just like anyone would. If you wish to see justice, contact BGraph, I have told you this twice now, but you seem not to listen, so again, I don’t know what to do for you, when you bring absolute zero energy into solving what might have happened. You cannot back ANY of your claims and therefore no one can help you. This thread has turned into aids and I think its time we close the conversation, because it leads nowhere from this point.

    For the first time, I agree with you, this was a dumb post. You gave me the options and I took it nowhere. The first reply I should’ve listened too and not continued this post. Sorry Bislo1 I’ll keep you notified if they kill anybody your at war with (rivals too?)

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
    ~~~^Too Many Crewz^~~~

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