BE is now BVP?

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    British Vs Player for those who were like “What you on about?”

    Anyway, I know I’m not the only one noticing this, but anyway, I’ve noticed BE getting aggressive towards everybody  and sometimes even going against their morals and killing Deckhands and Cadets. This has only begun after the war against Crusaders Of the Void. So why you do dis BE ;-;

    "Don't ask questions and we will tell no lies,"
    ~~~First Shop Owner at Ae0's Island~~~
    ~~~A Proud Outlaw~~~
    Crew History: NAVY, EE, SPQR, Outlaws, Creed, CoV, Creed, Solis, EE, Elite, CIU, NRD, EE, VIK, NRD, Outlaws.
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    Please note, if any British Member attacks when we are not at war with you/you didn’t attack them first, just contact me.

    As the MoJ I will not tolerate any law breakers in the BE. Anyone found guilty will be punished accordingly.


    - Buildy Squad Leader
    - Governor of Vendigroth
    - Founder and Former Emperor of SPQR
    - Former Minister of Justice of the British Empire
    - Current Lord of the British Empire
    - Member of the Conservative Party in the BE Government

    The Queen
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    A few people have been saying that lately Bgraph idk why. It is starting to grow now that I have seen this post 😮


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    I would assume b/c its summer, and people want something to do xD

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
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    First, thank you for bringing this to our attention.  I want to assure you that aggressive behaviors by BE members toward innocent players are disallowed by the crew.  If any BE players have been attacking new players, they are breaking long-standing rules and traditions of the crew.

    If you can privately send BGraph, Bislo1, or CaptainCrackerz names and screenshots/videos of the players who are committing these aggressions, it will be easier for us to take disciplinary action to stop their behavior.


    To all members of the BE who may be reading this,

    Our crew has a long standing reputation for peace and justice on the server.  Be conscientious of your actions, as they reflect not only on you, but on the crew as a whole.  If you think this forum thread is about you, and that there has been some misunderstanding, please come forward privately to the BE leadership so we can attempt to minimize the server-wide repercussions that these disputes have caused.


    – Edori_an

    Crazy Pirate
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    I will confess, the BE led an attack on 4 deckhands the other day, but before you judge, they were all using obvious hacks to torment their neighbours; for the better part of an hour, about 7 guys in god, BE and otherwise, dealt with these until staff did.

    But, you are right, there is a thirst for combat within the BE, and it is aimed at sadly, the wrong people. As said above, should you see this, simply contact us; we are, by nature, a peaceful crew, and after seeing what certain crews have done to this community, I don’t want the BE to replace them.

    The Queen
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    I am just saying, this is actually kinda good. Historicaly in this time period the British Empire were not “peaceful” hehe

    They were the strongest empire on the planet with wars attacks and such!!

    All you guys need is a monarchy


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    I confess to attacking deadman(not too new but still new), but too my knowledge he has been an annoying player to the BE and other crews, And also has exaggerated the attack saying we sieged him for two hours straight…As all my leaders and fellow members said before me if you see this action plz private chat one of our leaders, and they will be dealt with.

    The BE Is has already discuss the monarchy issue and too my knowledge its a definite no, Power corrupts people and one player cant just have perm power over the BE for now will stay Democratic (note i was in favor of it for a while). As for the history lesson is is just that or do you want us too go savage for some reason?


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    The Queen
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    No. Not what I said, understand it wasn’t to be rude.

    I was just saying a little pvp isn’t bad but at the same time pointing out the BE historically was very active military wise. Now I’m not saying you guys should go “savage”  I was saying it wouldn’t be bad for a little more pvp.

    Plus why not edit the aspects of the monarch? I mean I was the only queen of the EE but now we split our empire to factions but I still am sorta the head person but with other Kings and queens to rule as well. Making power most defiantly divided 🙂


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    *whispers* Reptaria is right,  the BE needs to show its power to those who trifle with it. Im not saying go kill every  deckie, but if. You are insulted/attacked etc, we need to show them whose boss 😉

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
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    The Queen
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    Right! Elven lifestyle is diffrent..we are more stuck to our borders and lands and come out of the tree lines when the world is in danger from major terror groups (NOT TERRORIST DONT BE OFFENDED)

    The British in a good view should open there arms to more firm militant power, I think it would help 🙂

    (All suggestions not rude in ANY way)


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    This can simply be answered by looking at our current active laws, that applies to ANY British member:

    §3 Must not engage in PvP with peaceful players. An engagement counts as entering combat mode or damaging a fellow player through any means.

    To further explain the clause:


    §3.3 Must not engage in PvP with foreign players who are not in conflict with the Empire unless the Minister of War, Vice Prime Minister or Prime Minister has granted this.


    The Minister of Justice is the player responsible of bringing British members, whom do not obey this law, to justice, fine them accordingly and determine if it is appropriate to banish the BE member altogether.

    And currently our Minister Of Justice is BGraph, so if there is anyone who feel like there are British members out there abusing their power, Let him know and he will deal with it. Do note that you are required to bring some sort of evidence of the episode taking place. If you just come in and say this and this killed me, but idk when and where and how, then your case is very weak and we will reserve the right to reject your claim.

    Please provide evidence of the kill even taking place by screenshotting the chat. IE “Godsdead was beheaded by Bislo1”

    Also, chat history of the event, witnesses to back it up, or even confessions from the BE member are all things that help your case.

    We have made these laws to protect BE members from each other, but we have also made them to protect innocent foreigners from British members, so please don’t hesitate to report them, but please take your time to gather enough evidence, otherwise there is a good chance your case will be rejected. We can simply not work with “HE KILLED ME, IM SO MAAAD, PLIS HELP!”

    might it be a good idea for you to open a forum topic in the British Embassy group for everyone who is not BE to post if they have something to report?


    Founder of Port Hope

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    The only reason we attacked these people was because of there obvious hacks, and before you go claiming that they aren’t hacking Iodiwan you were not there to record or see them hacking.

    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay 🙂

    The Queen
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    Bislo no one is acting like that though? There has just been chatter not “Omg I DIED PLEASE HELP ME BLAH BLAH BLAH”

    Wouldn’t the evidence be good enough if people supported his statement?


    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire

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    I feel as if the BE laws are either strictly Followed when it benefits best. We need some PVP to keep our strong 3mpire image. But when it comes down to government officials leaving? Aren’t they supposed to wait 3 months before having a government position. Not calling Law Out but he was VPM, left rejoined, left, etc… Idk

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