I was banned for charging back after i thought i was perm banned for having an alt. the alt ban was 1 day temporary and i didn’t know that. at the time I had only had my donation rank for a few hours on one day and i was banned. I know charging back was wrong but i spent 10 dollars and i thought i was only going to get to use it for the few hours i did already, for something as simple as having an alt. This is how it turned out now because of the charege-back ban but i never went through with the charge back. I canceled it once i realized that the alt ban was only temporary (expecting to be able to return) but then realizing the ban reason is for the charge-back that i never went through with. I know you’ve made up your mind about this but please re-consider i really loved this server and would like to play on here again. I also know that there was a small fee for this chageback and i will pay it forward to you if you allow me to play again. @godsdead please