Banned for Delay- staff pls read

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  • #49325
    Unnamed. Please Delete this Account.
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    hello. chailey banned me for not sending him a screenshot in time. I knew what he was doing, checking me for mods. Ill admit, i did have liteloader client in, but no mods. eventually i did send the picture. (at least i hope i did) -jangles da clown


    p.s i was discussing with beef how i use mods on other servers. he wanted to know more. [and no i didn’t have any mods on at the time

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    Maybe it would be useful to send & post that screenshot he requested..?

    Founder of the Coalition

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    Sorry to hear you got banned Jangles I hope this can get resolved and we can play together again 🙂

    Its never too late to start over again

    Owns The Drunken Pirate Co.

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    1. I gave you so many warnings about the screenshots and what would happen.
    2. I still haven’t received any screenshots from you.
    3. No client is allowed whatsoever.

    So… To conclude… No. Closed.

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