Banned for a question?

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests Banned for a question?

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  • #75360
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    Current Username: RadTrad
    Username when banned: RadTrad
    UUID: 608f7e12-5796-410a-8550-3757232cd3ff
    Your punishment tracker link: I don’t have one yet?
    Banned By: GodsDead

    Unban Appeal

    Hello so I joined the creative server where I simply asked a question about my username being changed and how I thought it said ”LetsPlayMC”.  I didn’t know if that was how everyone saw their own username or what.  I was trying to tell him that I changed my username once since the first time I played on the server and if that had anything to with it.  Then, he suddenly is like ”You’re Sus” and at that point, I thought he was joking till he kicked me.  I then rejoined only to be banned for a full 24 hours.  He basically said I was ”trolling”.  No, I was being serious and I realize your time is as precious as mine.  The only problem I can see now is that my current username is ”offensive” for being Catholic.  I really just don’t understand, to be honest.




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    You were banned for being wasting staff time, trolling and being toxic. You got a 24 hours ban that will expire in around 8 hours. You will have to wait out your ban out.




    Grandmaster of the Teutonic Order

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