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  • #31681
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    I was banned from this server for no reason… It says that I was bounty gaming, I wasn’t. If I was (I told people they had bounties… that was it.) and It says that this is an alt for MillerKiller739. IT is NOT. He was a friend of mine who recommended this server!

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    You have any proof of that?

    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

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    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    i have seen him talking about the bounty’s and telling all players ho  had a bounty. no one died that is all i know.  (sorry for my english is not so good)

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    Thank You Sabrina for helping me with this, I was very confused when it said I was bounty gaming… I was like NO WAY!


    Can reaper (the person that thought I was an alt) tell me why you think this? Thanks!

    I just want to get back to the server because I love it!

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    You have any proof of that?

    What are you talking about?

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    Never mind, anyways I will tag some staff on this topic so they can look into it


    Leader of the Narwhal Syndicate
    Former Official Bitchnugget of the Asylum
    King of the Elves, 2016-2017 (Rumoured)

    Crew History:
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    Could I possibly get un banned then? Or get a reason why u think I am an alt..

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    One of the staff first need to look at your case.

    To explain what bounty gaming is if you didn’t know, is that when someone allows you to kill them for their bounty or you get someone to remove your bounty, basically, it’s supposed to make you no longer a target but also give you an unfair advantage & if the other person is a friend of your or they give you a money, you get free dosh.

    But if you are one of MillerKiller’s alts, or even if you are his friend, I believe you are either possibly playing as one of his own alts or live very close to him or are infact one of his close family.

    If the latter is so, that you aren’t an alt & are just his own family or live near him, the alt detector wouldn’t come up saying you were an alt for any old reason.

    If you are a friend playing on one of his accounts he has given you, I am sorry but that also counts as an alt as unfair as that may seem for you, if you are a friend, I recommend getting you own account which is then associated with your own IP address & do not give millerkiller your log in details.


    Hope all goes well or doesn’t if you really are MillerKiller 😛

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    Thanks for the explanation… I bought a computer off of him with a router, already set up… I believe it is the ip address… but I am not an alt… I am on the same computer that he used to use, but an account that is not his… Please help!!

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