Ban Appeal; Rex

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    Current Username: RexStrafes

    Username when banned: fruitpouch
    UUID: ae9ea08f-bd68-4d07-9a0f-ac88152ace03

    Your punishment tracker link:

    Banned By: Xeron

    To start it off, I deeply regret what I did. There is no excuse for it, and  I would like to apologize to everyone who enjoys this fantastic server. I abused the system to give myself a competitive edge on the server. Ultimately, destroying the economy on beacons. I truly regret doing this because I really enjoyed the server and everyone on it. Now that my base has been completely removed. I plan on starting over from scratch. Please consider my ban appeal, because my greatest accomplishment was my base. Now that my base has been removed, I feel that it was a fair and just punishment. I have been playing PMC for years. I would love nothing more than to come back. I am sorry to the staff for abusing this glitch, and bottom-line giving you guys unneeded work.

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    Everyone makes mistakes, I think you deserve a second chance

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    A base being removed with everything inside of it serves a good punishment. An item dupper gets banned for gaining an economic edge. As being one of the oldest players you should know not to do this. But starting competently over from nothing seems like something fit for you.

    best of luck

    seen it all, ive been here since 06/06/2014

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    Our previous money exploiters received permanent bans, and the one out of that group that duped in the least money – Rivvur – was only unbanned a few weeks ago.

    I class items as money here, and you have been doing this duping a lot behind our back using a known exploit over a long time. Using the exploit you single-handedly managed to destroy the beacon eco while your shop was stocked and active dropping their price to what, $600-650? Wither skulls were also affected in a similar manner.

    In the immediate aftermath I confiscated any remaining beacons that I could find. Your base was originally regened, but as you share it with jetty I let you two keep it. You’ve been banned now for 45 days, but duped in… well from what I could tell from recent numbers around 50… 60 perhaps more? That’s money that’s gone into claimblocks, items, etc, that you share with someone.

    You knew not to do it, and as a veteran you should have known this twice as well given you saw how the money dupers were punished. You will therefore get the same punishment.


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