Ban Appeal

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  • #75496
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    Current Username: WarlordTourus

    Username when banned: Godfatherman
    UUID: 8d673d0c-39ff-4a9d-8824-5f44224b3b2f
    Your punishment tracker link: Ban Management by Frostcast (

    Banned By: I don’t recall it was 6 years ago.

    Unban Appeal: Good Sirs, Whatever happened 6 years ago that warranted my ban is a distant memory, the actions were enacted by a person that no longer exists. A lot of people have recommended this server to me, and when I tried logging I showed up as banned. I apologize for any actions that I did, I am deeply regretful of them and I hope you can forgive me for them. I ask another chance to join and play, the right way. I am not a toxic person and I don’t intend to ruin anyones time. My deepest apologies and thank you for your time.

    • Topics: 1
    • Replies: 9
    • Total: 10

    Hello WarlordTourus,

    As this occurred so many years ago, we have unbanned you. Welcome back to the server and please be sure to give the /rules a read upon your return.



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