/back When being kicked for flying?

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    Multiple times, people have used the command /back to return to PvP after they had died or to return to harass us. Today I was confronted with a situation of a person logging while in combat. Said person was indeed a donor and had access to the /back command. After he logged back in, he claimed that he was kicked for flying and as you can guess did /back to get his items back. After telling the moderator that was currently online, he responded with just reasons of why you would kicked for flying, completely ignoring our claim. The combat logger then followed up saying that another moderator told him that it was okay for him to /back as long as he did not die to a player, but dying to combat logging is obviously dying to a player right? There is no way for the mod or us to know whether he truly combat logged or was actually kicked for flying, and if he were kicked for flying then what’s to protect other people who also fall victim to being kicked for flying and die yet do not have access to /back? Will their items be refunded, contradicting rule #4, or will they be penalized simply because they do not have Captain? Now people may say that it is our fault for not picking up the items in time but you are not allowed to drop items while combat tagged and the items should have stayed on the ground until either the logger walks back to get them, we pick them up after the tag was over, or just despawn. I am aware that the /back issue has already addressed but more needs to be done. I’m proposing to completely get rid of /back or no access to the command within a certain time period of being tagged by a player, allowing for use of /back for environmental deaths but not PvP.


    (I know it sounds childish fighting over items but it’s not the items I’m after, just trying to create a balance in the game)

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    1. Logs are kept of all kicks for flying. If you actually post the username, then staff would be able to look up if this was true or not, feel free to PM me the username if you do not with to do it globally. Or post it globally, to shame the player, up to you.
    Ic3y ;]
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    I am the player @godsdead I’m not a liar, I was kicked for flying, who logs out in combat with maxed set, sword bow, and 5 gapples ?!


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    1. Logs are kept of all kicks for flying. If you actually post the username, then staff would be able to look up if this was true or not, feel free to PM me the username if you do not with to do it globally. Or post it globally, to shame the player, up to you.

    Say they are actually kicked for flying, are they allowed to /back and what about players without /back, will they be able to have their items refunded?

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    Can someone answer Traffy’s question for me?

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    Can someone answer Traffy’s question for me?

    Sure, read rule 4.2 Lost goods won’t be replenished. Do not ask.

    This rule does always count, whether all your armorstands dissapeared in an entity glitch, or your playtime are missing 3 days.  Maybe in some special situations where you can prove what happend, (for example a screenshot of your playtime before the glitch happend) You will be able to sort it out with staff.

    I don’t know about the rules for /back when kicked for flying, but i guess most staff by princip would say that it is illegal. If you ask me it would be a good deed to give back the items if a player got killed in combat while kicked for flying, since it is a glitch that can happen to most of us. 😉

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