Awkward Happenings – News Edition: 46

Home Forums Crew Group Discussion Panda Press Awkward Happenings – News Edition: 46

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  • #50041
    • Topics: 63
    • Replies: 118
    • Total: 181
    • ★★★★

    “All Is Quiet”

    Today marked a rather erie quiet in fighting and quarreling on the server as many people were building or exploring the map. This came just days after the new change in the head of the BE and the fights that were ensued by Horsia. The fight at Lazydog’s town was found to be quite a peculiar one indeed as it was discovered that emielreijs was not even BE himself! This makes one wonder if BE is in need of defenders to take to the walls and hold fast against those who would destroy their work.


    “The Prime Minister Is In”

    The new Prime Minister has yet to prove his worth but those who are in BE stand behind him unwavering as onlookers have scoffed at Gildor’s credentials. Is this the man that could bring BE back from the brink of decline as one of the greatest Empires to exist? Only time will tell…


    “Food For Thought”

    Today as yours truly was passing through the world I saw a build I just couldn’t help sieging. This ended up to be otagowill’s base which supplied my starving panda stomach! He was such a dear about me taking his food that he even offered to send a donation of food to Feed My Starving Pandas on account of my stomach’s loud growling. Thanks again to otagowill to his amazing heartfelt donation to such a worthy foundation!




    “Gildor Stinky”

    Visit the piratecraft casino and shop, featuring a cash gambling machine and items to sell or buy. /warp shop, turn right at the end of the main street and find s48. (Hot deal right now: Brewing recipe books, reduced in price)


    ~Quote of the day~

    I LOVE YOU ~ otagowill

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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