ATTENTION: Server Crash

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  • #28815
    Smokey River
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    Due to the crash the server had to be whitelisted for a short while.  If anyone notices anything out of order when they come back please let us know so it can be handled. Also no bullshit stories, we will find out if you lie :-).

    I would also like to thank the players who helped while the server was whitelisted along with Gods for working diligently even though he was completely knackered on getting the server back working. Also thanks to all other staff for helping with the issue. 🙂



    I solemnly swear I am up to no good.


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    Any information on what caused the crash? I’m just curious.

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    i am unsure if this relates to the reason why the server crashed, but i got ranked up to boatswain, although i only played 23 days and 8 hrs.

    edit: heres a pic

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    This saddens me 🙁

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    well some of the map is getting bigger ^o^

    ☠If my puns don't kill you my lack of effort will☠

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    yeah i noticed that too lol

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    Smokey I see a big crack in the world on the map to the far left.

    Emperor of Rohan

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    Great, thanks for the hard work!

    <p align=center></p>k

    ProWil (formerly Wilson Manzer),
    General Secretariat of The Papal State
    PirateCraft Veteran, circa 2015.

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    This issue happened again today.

    The servers HDD filled up (since we share it), when this happens nothing can save so anything can get lost that isn’t saved in a database, these can include Balances&homes, ranks, Autoranking data, Sometimes Inventory.

    Todays case, was the worldborder deleted itself and pirates escaped! and Autoranking data got wiped. I pushed backups for the Autoranking data and re-set the world borders. Im not sure I have the nether worldborder set right, I know I had it small, I just cant remember the actual size. Does anyone have a claim/base outside of this border I set?

    If you have had any issues like that, please tell me

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    hi , the neather border is set wrong. you can see the map openend up to just past where our base is. hope this does not cause to much trouble to put right @godsdead

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    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    Hello, i can not get to my home in the nether because the world border is to smal.

    i dont have the exacte coord but it is near    3381     65       3020.

    my full uuid



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    This is SeconDeath. EmperorLew and Myself recently made an enderman grinder with storage for stuff. Yesterday we finished working on our shop at trade and the server crashed.

    Now the problem here is today when I logged back on all of the stuff from the chests was missing EVERYTHING gone.

    Missing Stuff – 1. 2 Stacks of Diamond

    2. one dub chest full of enchantment books ranging from prot4, eff 5, unbrek 3, resp 3, aqua 1, bow enchants, some shitty books.

    3. 5 Stacks of xp bottles.

    4. 20 stacks of empty bottles.

    5. 2 dub chest full of enderpearls ( wich I spent 2 hours grinding for… )

    6. Shop stuff I stripped from my shop at warp shop ( 4 stacks of quartz, 3 stacks of nether brick, 1 stack of sea lanterns )

    Admins can confirm this with Emperorlew hes co owner of the claim.

    Our UUID’s

    EmperorLew- 42a0bae4-9a59-412d-ba9c-b5f302628f47

    LEGO_Classic- 66c0e9d8-56e7-42fd-bae8-d009bce559cd


    Calliemav was recently there I showed him the grinder and other than him only michty was there but he cannot steal it bcos he left in front of me and he is not a captain. That is why I think this has to do with the server crash.


    Blu Pearson
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    Just a heads up. This might be related to the sever crash but idk. Earlier when I tried to bottle my xp it gave this message; “refunded 28 bottles,  bottles ordered 0”. I tried /bottle max, /bottle 5, /bottle 10 but it never filled any. The command /bottle until, did work though. Dont know why the sever going down would mess with the bottlexp plug-in but thought it worth mentioning.

    Thanks guys for all the hard work to get it up and running again.

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    Hello This is SeconDeath. EmperorLew and Myself recently made an enderman grinder with storage for stuff. Yesterday we finished working on our shop at trade and the server crashed. Now the problem here is today when I logged back on all of the stuff from the chests was missing EVERYTHING gone. Missing Stuff – 1. 2 Stacks of Diamond 2. one dub chest full of enchantment books ranging from prot4, eff 5, unbrek 3, resp 3, aqua 1, bow enchants, some shitty books. 3. 5 Stacks of xp bottles. 4. 20 stacks of empty bottles. 5. 2 dub chest full of enderpearls ( wich I spent 2 hours grinding for… ) 6. Shop stuff I stripped from my shop at warp shop ( 4 stacks of quartz, 3 stacks of nether brick, 1 stack of sea lanterns ) Admins can confirm this with Emperorlew hes co owner of the claim. Our UUID’s EmperorLew- 42a0bae4-9a59-412d-ba9c-b5f302628f47 LEGO_Classic- 66c0e9d8-56e7-42fd-bae8-d009bce559cd Calliemav was recently there I showed him the grinder and other than him only michty was there but he cannot steal it bcos he left in front of me and he is not a captain. That is why I think this has to do with the server crash. @calliemav @smokeyriver

    Enderchest? That would have been the only think that could have got wiped, If its a normal chest that you filled up, you got robbed. The world-data was fine, Unless you are saying you deposited this entire lot of items in the 10 seconds the server was crashing?

    Just a heads up. This might be related to the sever crash but idk. Earlier when I tried to bottle my xp it gave this message; “refunded 28 bottles, bottles ordered 0”. I tried /bottle max, /bottle 5, /bottle 10 but it never filled any. The command /bottle until, did work though. Dont know why the sever going down would mess with the bottlexp plug-in but thought it worth mentioning. Thanks guys for all the hard work to get it up and running again.

    There is an update to the XP Bottle plugin, let me push that and see if its a fix, I don’t think it stores any data, so the wipe couldn’t have corrupted anything with the XP bottle plugin, I will check its config just in case.

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