Armor and Potion Effect Status

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  • #19727
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    Hey Guys,

    I have read the rules and they say that Optifine is the only allowable Mod for the server.

    Is this a common sense rule? Meaning that the server obviously doesn’t want hacks or any xray mods. (pretty much any mod that allows for unfair game play that give an advantage to players)

    Two questions:

    1) I have yet to find a mod for minecraft that only displays armor durability/ potion effects.  Would this be against the rules to use, if found?

    2) If anyone is using a mod that shows only armor and potion effects could you let me know the DL link. Please and thank you.




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    If you press f3+h it will show durability of your armor/tools/weapons when you scroll over them. also shows their item id

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    I have that turned on…. however I am interested in seeing the durability and potion duration without opening your inventory. when you are in PVP you know when your potions run out and know when it is time to re-pot.

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    i think that’s ok it dosent give you any “unfair” pvp advantage. but since i’m not staff and just a “nice” (lol) piratecraft member i’ll just tag @markusi13 and ask him if you can? 😛


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

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    Of course we dont want any mods like xray and stuff…

    “1) I have yet to find a mod for minecraft that only displays armor durability/ potion effects.  Would this be against the rules to use, if found?”

    Yes it would be against the rules.

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    btw just incase i ment the armor one not x-ray


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

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    It’s not allowed.

    Optifine is allowed.

    Minimap is allowed. Only to see near area not players.

    No other mods are allowed.

    Thank you for asking first.


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