Apple (La Mela)

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    So Apple has had a bad run with hackers, and a lot of us just don’t like the crew. But, yesterday after I died I realised something. They do have rules and restrictions, underneath all the cockiness there are some decent people, M4RT3S gave my god bow back and told me he knows what it’s like to lose a weapon, I’m sure 80% of you know that feeling but you’d never return a weapon unless it was your friends. Just cut them some slack, stop giving them grief about the past. They’ve never attacked me, they’ve only killed me if I attacked them which is 100% reasonable 🙂


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    Apple himself is a good player other than that cannal problem i had with them i havent had any atacks directed right to me from them but they do like to gang up on people and that shows that they have some what of a order in there crew i respect that

    ☠If my puns don't kill you my lack of effort will☠

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    As a lot of you know, a lot of mine and Apple’s territory runs into each other.

    And instead of him turning around and saying “no it’s not your territory anymore” he and I agreed on certain things, (him mainly being kind enough to steer clear of all I claimed as my own) and I’ve rarely had problems with him.

    His people rarely bother mine, and they are very friendly also. There isn’t anyone in the crew I’ve had any beef with, but yes. M4RT3S is a good person, being friendly and helpful towards me as have been other members of his crew.

    I  don’t think Apple’s crew is bad, I just think it’s hard work sometimes owning a YouTube channel and reeling in all these viewers of all sorts of different backgrounds 😛 (@applejk)


    Good luck to a prosperous future!

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    Apple is sure nice!


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