AntiCheat Information- 6/29/17 1:15-1:30 EST

Home Forums Server Support Bugs & Glitches AntiCheat Information- 6/29/17 1:15-1:30 EST

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  • #51774
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    Ok 2 or 3 vs 2 happened today. (_Maiz_, ?Network?, JUSAMonkey1 vs Galaxy219 and Saltpigeon)

    During the fight we all headed towards the water. Once in the water we all began potting up. During the fight, Salt and Maiz both were kicked by the anti cheat (not sure if you can see the error report from it based off the time given), Gal and I continued fighting after they both died, we both experienced a new (at least new for me) issue where while under water, you get stuck. The easiest way for me to explain it would be to compare it to the ghost block seen when mining with anything faster than an efficiency 5 pickaxe (usually related to mcmmo). Galaxy and myself both got stuck multiple times during the rest of the fight eventually ending in me deciding to leave.

    Not sure if this can help, tried to provide as many specifics and times as possible.

    Death to da Brits
    Death to da Elves
    Death to da Fruits

    Heck..Death to Everyone 😀

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    Yes you would be swimming with spd2 then all of a sudden you would freez and a few second laters you are kicked. From what I see its mainly related to movement, I was also kicked during a siege when I was climbing ladders to.

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    The kicks happen with speed 2, speed 1, and sometimes just with depth strider 3. The faster you move the higher chance you get kicked from what I have experienced.

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    Can you please reproduce this with a video its SOOO much easier to send to the developer & config guy.

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    @TheSmilingFlea posted a video somewhere in the discord where he and a couple others were kicked for this. Im sure he still has access to it

    Edit: found the vid myself :3


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    here is a video blu and I just made showing the anticheat 😀

    A endermite kicked my ass

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    and also it is important to note that the more people there are in the same fight AND on the server will greatly increase the chance of someone being kicked.

    the logical conclusion that i came to is that the anticheat has to work harder to monitor everyone’s moves in combat to make sure they arent cheating. this additional processing slows down the server and results in some players being kicked because of the anticheat thinking they are flying, because it cant keep up with everyones movements.


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    Rip I thought I posted this 4 hours ago. Lol

    Well the times I have experienced this is when you are fighting and the server has a lag spike the anti cheat thinks your cheating when everything catches back up. And the people that live farther from the host have more lag so they have a higher chance of being kicked due to this.

    This is just my guess on how it happens. This could be completely wrong but it Kindof makes sense (well at least in my head lol)

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    A endermite kicked my ass

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    So I go to make these reports for these two amazing videos, and the anti-cheat was updated yesterday…So i’ve pushed the updates for the anti-cheat and updated the configs as needed.

    You will have to test the reproducible bugs again!

    I will try and get the test server updated to what we have atm on the main so its the same and a test environment.

    The bugs listed as fixed were:

    • fixes reverse velocity after a tick delay
    • doubled movement and combat checking performance

    So no idea if these will fix the issues you have been having, please do test and make videos. Videos are the way to send it to the developer so they can see what you are doing that may trigger it.



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    i tested the anti cheat today around cove with a souless saber and a santa sword aswell as the speed II from cove beacons. although it is working alot better i was still getting stuck alot but i didnt get kicked which is really good.

    I made a short video of me just running around a bit.

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