Allow Ships to Pass Through Bubble Columns

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions Allow Ships to Pass Through Bubble Columns

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    I was on a ship journey recently and realized that bubble columns (i.e. the bubbles that go upwards from underwater magma and soul sand blocks) are considered obstacles for ships so ships cannot pass through them and instead have to navigate around them. While this isn’t a significant issue and it is simple to go around the fairly-rare naturally generated magma blocks, I think this should be changed as a quality of life improvement – I don’t see how it could hurt in any way, and it would definitely be an added convenience.


    In short, I think that ships should be able to pass through bubble columns just as they are able to pass through normal water.

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    Allow Bubble columns to blow holes in ships you say?

    I agree! They should go throgh bubble columns! Added to suggestions todo!

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