Alliance Request

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  • #67234
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    I hereby request as a leader of Ter to leaders of the BE to consider an alliance with us for the following reasons:
    1) We are an active crew and with projection to become larger, but were small at the moment.
    2) Almost all of our players want to interact with Deimos,Yourmilkman, WestSideYolo, and Nilvida, as well as other BE crewmembers.
    3) We are willing to expand our diplomatic relantionships All in all, I think this alliance will benefit both crews, I shall be waiting patiently for a response.

    -Regards -gepetrus, Almirante of Ter

    I wanted to have a signature so I set it to this.

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    fix formatting plz

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    Lego is a good toi.

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    Hey Gepetrus,


    Sorry for the late response.

    Look if its all the same to you, I as Prime Minister would prefer to wait and see how your crew progresses and grows before considering your request. Because in the end, the final decision is not up to me but rather my crew’s Parliament (a vote taken by BE’s leaders).


    - Sincerely - ItsCrazyDave

    Appointed a Lord of the British Empire in 2021 and a loyal member since 2018.

    Currently the Prime Minister and a former Vice Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Served 3 non-consecutive terms as the BE Home Secretary
    Leader of the Loyal BE Progressives Party and the 1st leader of the BE "Loyal Opposition"
    Currently a Councillor on the London City Council and its Deputy Mayor
    Previously held the posts of Mayor of London & Governor-General of South Afric

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