Alliance Request


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  • #62176
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    To my understanding, The Province Of Canada is an inactive colony correct? I thought I read that on the wiki…

    This is the account for SpikyCactus’ old username; Gamer_2105. It has been abandoned.

    Crew History:
    - Dawgs (leader)
    - CAN (leader)
    - BE (leader)
    - CSN (member)
    - HI (member)
    - PY (leader)

    sabrina (lazydog11)
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    that is correct spiky that town is inactive


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    Please Ignore My Alliance Request, CAN Has Been Disbanded. I have left to join the British Empire!

    This is the account for SpikyCactus’ old username; Gamer_2105. It has been abandoned.

    Crew History:
    - Dawgs (leader)
    - CAN (leader)
    - BE (leader)
    - CSN (member)
    - HI (member)
    - PY (leader)

    • Topics: 54
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    Out of curiosity, would you and your friends/former crew like to still have a crew which can do its own thing, but be under the umbrella of the British Empire, have the best of both worlds?

    We’ve introduced a new category of BE territory called a BE Realm (similar to a real British Dominion); a Realm’s sovereignty is 50% its own and 50% BE’s. It has 100% control of domestic issues with limited control over foreign affairs.

    Either that, or would you and your friends/former crew be interested in becoming citizens of BE’s first Realm, the “Realm of Kaiserreich”?


    From ItsCrazyDave/Ty Prez

    – BE Home Secretary

    – Governor General of the Realm of Kaiserreich

    - Sincerely - ItsCrazyDave

    Appointed a Lord of the British Empire in 2021 and a loyal member since 2018.

    Currently the Prime Minister and a former Vice Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Served 3 non-consecutive terms as the BE Home Secretary
    Leader of the Loyal BE Progressives Party and the 1st leader of the BE "Loyal Opposition"
    Currently a Councillor on the London City Council and its Deputy Mayor
    Previously held the posts of Mayor of London & Governor-General of South Afric

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    @Ralph, I would consider it. I already have some facilities to support a colony, but would we still have access to BE amenities like ports, London, etc?

    This is the account for SpikyCactus’ old username; Gamer_2105. It has been abandoned.

    Crew History:
    - Dawgs (leader)
    - CAN (leader)
    - BE (leader)
    - CSN (member)
    - HI (member)
    - PY (leader)

    • Topics: 54
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    Of course! Citizens of Realms become “BE Nationals”, they have all the same rights as BE citizens except the right to vote in BE elections.

    - Sincerely - ItsCrazyDave

    Appointed a Lord of the British Empire in 2021 and a loyal member since 2018.

    Currently the Prime Minister and a former Vice Prime Minister of the British Empire
    Served 3 non-consecutive terms as the BE Home Secretary
    Leader of the Loyal BE Progressives Party and the 1st leader of the BE "Loyal Opposition"
    Currently a Councillor on the London City Council and its Deputy Mayor
    Previously held the posts of Mayor of London & Governor-General of South Afric

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    I AmericanSniper52

    Emperor of the Elven Imperial Empire

    Lord of Thrandur

    Hereby ask the British Empire to form an alliance with my people.

    As our Empire is small, we do not have much to offer in wealth and riches. However I may be able to prove a valuable asset in War if BE ever needs help in battle, the Elven Imperial Empire stands at the ready. I hope that you would accept this alliance request and will hopefully take it into consideration.

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    I am a leader of STRN, and I hope to become a citizen of BE.

    We want an alliance with BE because it is my crew and I want to stay allies with them.

    No strings attached

    • Topics: 5
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    Hello, i’m the, i’ll be honest, i am the self crowned king of New Albion, i myself enjoy building ships and as a source of income in game, i build ships for people for money. I can offer my building skills and am more than happy to build ships for BE for a lower price than i would for anyone else outside of BE at the same, possibly higher quality in truth. I have a (smallish) naval Fortress with crude docks and a somewhat momentarily small kingdom/ town/ village with a castle on a hill. I do hope i can be of use and be accepted as an ally of BE. Thanks for reading this and i hope you all have a good day. (i put this in the wrong place by accident yesterday lol)

    my ingame name is ISNOT1_YT and my crew is ALBN

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