All I want is to have a second chance, to play by the rules.

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests All I want is to have a second chance, to play by the rules.

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  • #53664
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    My username is SavageDragons, I was banned under this name as well. My UUID is 743054f4-86af-4595-9a9a-862a4d73d9aa. My ban info link is:
    The person who banned me was mountainrasta.

    Now, I am aware that almost everybody gets denied upon using xray, but, I’m asking for a reset, just to be fair and logical as a trade-off, I get unbanned, but I lose literally everything I’ve owned and done. And on another note, I had quite the amount of support when I was getting banned, people offering to take the ban. The server cared about me and wanted to help. But you proceeded to ban me, I would’ve gladly taken any other form of punishment, even command restrictions. (This might not matter but I also didn’t know that xray was a perm ban)


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    Sorry, no second chances with xray.

    Denied 🙁

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