Website added public member & group galleries!

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  • #73646
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    The got massively upgraded to automatically display the latest player & group photo galleries for your builds & projects!

    Create private and public galleries on your Member profile Go to the edit profile page to Create a new Gallery!

    Create private and public galleries in your Groups Go to your Group page and click Gallery then create Gallery.

    • When you made a public profile or group gallery it will be automatically displayed in a global on the public Gallery page!
    • I extended the galleries, so view count is shown, you can set “Featured” galleries to sticky at the top of your profile and when you get to a single image you can rate them out of 5 stars!
    • I added a new menu item when you are logged in, just hover/click your logged-in menu item and click “Edit Galleries” to go directly to your Member Profile Gallery page!
    • Name your images before uploading so their filenames get a URL that can be searched by Google images!
    • You can send URL in-game chat, so you can easily share galleries/photos in-game with people in-chat!
    • Great for groups to have galleries of their joint projects to be displayed to everyone that uses the website! Your gallery will be linked to your group page too!
    • I also added a new default avatar system that generates random “paint” monsters for people that have never set an avatar as the old default avatar system broke! So if you have never set a profile image you will have a randomly generated monster!
    • Topics: 9
    • Replies: 9
    • Total: 18

    Wonderful idea and great implementation. I’ve been hoping for something like this. Quick question: is there a way to set a cover image for a gallery? I made a gallery for my city and the cover image is kinda dark, not what I would have chosen. Also, is there a way to make galleries private for only a group to view?

    – Palm

    King of Silent Hill
    Keeper of the Dungeon
    Purveyor of Silence
    Protector of Vána Selanda

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    Wonderful idea and great implementation. I’ve been hoping for something like this. Quick question: is there a way to set a cover image for a gallery? I made a gallery for my city and the cover image is kinda dark, not what I would have chosen. Also, is there a way to make galleries private for only a group to view? – Palm

    Yeah, you can.

    On your profile you go Gallery > View the gallery > Edit > Edit Details > Upload New Cover

    I’m guessing you mean this one, so click this link might work.

    You can also set a description in here that will show with your gallery!

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