Abusing nether portals for raiding

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    My Username: turseturtle

    Player(s) Being Reported.
    Username: CreeperInX,cosmickingjoel
    UUID: {uuid} f6b1fc07-a40f-469d-b750-99d00dc5deed,5f24d8e9-d644-45da-8c73-6925c152596d
    Punishment Tracker URL: https://piratemc.com/punishments/

    Reason for Report: Abusing nether portals for raiding

    Overview Description of Report
    I was playing and <i>I</i> saw a nether portal next to my farm. I decided to check out my farm and secure it since i heard i had been raided. I found holes in the floor. I saw cosmickingjoel and he had just logged on in my farm. Knowing he was my enemy I logged off. I looked on live map and saw CreeperInX going around my farm and into where the nether portal was. I checked and he was in the nether. A few seconds later he pearled a few hundred blocks away in the over world. Later I saw him go to where he appeared after going through the nether and arrive back where the nether portal next to my farm was.

    Detailed Information
    I do not have solid evidence of cosmickingjoel doing it however I do have solid evidence of CreeperInX doing it. Today earlier I saw both of them going to where the first nether portal was and then disappearing and then re appearing near my base. Please do not blame me for reporting this because in the rules it says do not abuse game mechanics and isin’t using nether portals for raiding abusing game mechanics. Also the nether portal in my base was in a claim.

    look at the attachments, NOTE:the pictures were taken a few seconds after the video

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    The turtles will rise...

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    here is more evidence, it’s a version of the video modified only to include the important parts


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    The turtles will rise...

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    First of all NO we did NOT  use nether portals to raid you. We went over your wall and got in, creeper found that nether portal went into it to avoid you finding him and then he got into the nether. He didn’t want to die so he went back into the portal but got to this old run down place claimed by  a player that has been inactive for a year. After that we noticed you logged back on so we went back to your base (courtesy of cosmic tping us there) then we raided you… now this is JUST trying to start drama and get your stuff back and make us look bad if you are lucky.  (oh and your evidence proves me right)

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    First of all you did use nether portals to raid me. Second you used nether portals to escape me.

    The turtles will rise...

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    Proof? Also dont use that video or those screenshots because those just prove me right lol.

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    Can y’all cut the drama? This is a report thread, not a crappy middle school play. I’m sure staff can make an informed decision and would much rather have this not become complete chaos.

    For those that are being reported (which isn’t even you Ging, further proving you are only here to create drama), staff are not idiots. They are able to figure out that they might need your point of view and will ask you about it in a drama free way. They, along with myself and the rest of the community, are sick of the drama.

    Now, let me make myself clear so that I am not taken the wrong way. Reports are good. We need players that value the server rules and will let staff know if there is a potential violation. It is better to report something incorrectly than to have a blatant disregard for rules on the server. Now, as I have said many times before, what we do not need is drama. Ironically, the drama that often results from a report can encourage rules to be broken. What we need are drama free reports, whether it is on forums, discord, in game, or wherever – NOT drama filled ones, whether that drama is in the original post or the replies.

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    i was simply stating a fact that we didnt portal raid turse astro…

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    can somone close this thread

    The turtles will rise...

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    Sure thing. I can’t really tell from the replies here if this was sorted out or not but I’ll mark it resolved and close it since you’ve asked.

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