Username: FeccBoiee
Player(s) xXNekoQueen
UUID: 8386a63b-42c1-49e9-bb23-e64b80d310ab
Punishment Tracker URL: ya i dont know what to put here sorry let it slide please
Reason for Report (please select as needed)
Harassing, Griefing, Exploiting, Glitching.
Overview Description of Report
I logged off Saturday night the 20th and in on the 22nd to a crew member neko with perms griefing everywhere they could and abusing /home and other such commands to return and kill other members of the crew. after i removed all trusts neko persisted to make it thru multiple bdm doors leaving boats behind . Today after leaving my claim several times by hundreds of blocks and typing /untrust xXNekoQueen they could still build break and blow up in my base. Note never did they have management perms and i never turned explosions on. I checked the area where tnt went off and did damage and explosions werent allowed. Currently i believe the damage has gone far past three hours of rebuilding and my time.
sadly i didnt submit this but yet again they ahve appeared in my base for another siege out of no where thru two bdm doors
Detailed Information
Come look at my base like half of the moderators were on scene witnessing it