_RisingStar_ AFK pool

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    Yes in image-6.jpeg, it does make a sharp turn to the left, and a stone brick block does block the view of the water flowing.

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    Founder of the Coalition

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    I don’t understand how can people think its a water slide I see an afk pool honestly.


    Proud member of the British Empire.
    Also known as Salty_Shay 🙂

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    Ok i’m going to give @FallingStar the benefit of the doubt here and just say, don’t use AFK pools. No witch hunting lets keep this civil folks!

    if it is just a water slide, its a very nice water slide

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    now, everyone i just want to make something clear, we are not “harassing” someone in particular, only trying to enforce the rules. if hardtimez were to build something like this i am sure ppl would reply differently. now staff have final call, but to all ppl who think it ends in the above pic, here is a little thing pointed out-


    the black circle is on the block of water that had diagonal particles, which means it flows foreward and to the LEFT, meaning its a circle.


    once again im totally chill on what the staff decide here, only pointing out what can be seen from the photos.

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    woa on my screen it looked like me and godsy replied at the same time lol



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