1st (known) server Geneva Convention

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    what is preventing people from tping others into the event?

    Chamberlain1 is willing to honorably protect this meeting for a price.

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    Would it not be easier to throw swords onto the person? You would throw enough to fill their inventory and if they didn’t pick them all up then you would know they have something on them. Its better than having to kill the person.

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    @Chamberlain1 thats the risk we take, we will not be needing protection, if we get killed they’ll be stuck in a raid proof room full of people who have no weapons on them, sounds like a lose lose situation to me

    Killing them is quicker 😀

    Ω Former Consulate and Emperor of the New Romans Ω
    Vivat Rei Republicae

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    I would like to represent the EE at the Geneva Convention 🙂

    -Lithvather, Knight Of Winter
    Slayer Of Darkness
    Do Or Do Not
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    I will attend if you allow us to at least have a wooden sword. I know several ways this could end out. For example, one of the attendees nags one of the people working at the convention to smuggle weapons into the convention. The attendee arrives and gets inspected, after death the attendee does /back gets to his accomplice and receives his weapons before the convention meeting starts. During the convention he pulls out his weapons and starts going on a rampage. Important events get crashed a lot we need to at least defend ourselves. Plus even if one of the attendees trying attacking someone you will still be able to kill them.

    Emperor of Rohan

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    Also anyone could tpa someone in at any time.

    Emperor of Rohan

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