Pirate Resource Pack & Skins

PirateCraft Resource Pack

The PirateCraft resource pack has not yet been created for 1.18+, our old one for 1.12 has now been retired.

How do I set a minecraft skin?

Mojang no longer allows clicking a link to set a skin, you have to download it and upload it to their website on their edit skin page.

PirateCraft MineCraft Skins

PirateCraft has a set of custom made skins, created by the wonderful PaulOnFire.

These skin previews are interactive! You can drag your mouse on each of the skins to view it from all angles!

You can quickly set the PirateCraft skin by clicking the “Set this skin now!” button, this will automatically open the minecraft.net website and send the skin to it, its as simple as logging in!

PirateCraft Community Skins

Skins made by players for PirateCraft.

These skins were made by LordArth2021.

Recommended Client Mods

PirateCraft has a strict policy on client mods to keep game-play fair for everyone that join, so no “hacked clients” allowed.

There are some useful client mods that we do allow and are recommended

Optionally we also allow Optifine for Minecraft optimistion, but Fabulously Optimized gives much better performance in newer versions of Minecraft than Optifine.

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