Reply To: Ban Appeal-Rex

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests Ban Appeal-Rex Reply To: Ban Appeal-Rex

  • Topics: 25
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  • Total: 68
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So this guy gets to abuse a duplication glitch, completely breaking the beacon economy (of his favorite server, mind you) and making the staff team have to clean up his mess, and gets a “wipe” and a ban that didn’t even last a year? And let’s be real here, he wouldn’t have stopped if he didn’t get caught.

To address the wipe, obviously he will get rich again quite fast, as jetty and all his friends will provide him with resources and assistance, and he has past experience of the server and how it works. In fact, he may actually view the wipe as a GOOD thing, because as cutlerbecket had once noted, starting again can be a rewarding experience. And who knows, eventually, maybe in a year or two, he may find yet another duplication glitch and abuse that one as well, except play it much smarter.

Obviously he doesn’t actually regret his actions, or he wouldn’t be continuously spamming the forums with unban appeals every two months.

(Can this guy be banned from forums already?)

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