Reply To: ROME and Other Players Harassing and Threatening SIX16 and Crews (Fixed version)

Home Forums Server Support Player Reports ROME and Other Players Harassing and Threatening SIX16 and Crews (Fixed version) Reply To: ROME and Other Players Harassing and Threatening SIX16 and Crews (Fixed version)

  • Topics: 2
  • Replies: 22
  • Total: 24
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Most of what you say here is so incorrect or weakly founded, it would take a long time for me to detail it all. Heres just a few things in this report I want to respond to:

1. Players cannot /sethome in bases that they don’t have trust to. Have you never heard of a /back, or someone logging inside the base?

2. You provided no evidence of such a glitch (no screenshots, videos, etc).

3. You provided no evidence of anything you complained about, such as the supposed “extreme harassment” or anything else(no screenshots, videos, etc).

4. There seems to be a lot of <b>subjectiveness</b> here, such as “this guy made me upset”. Your feelings don’t matter as much as the facts here. And due to the utter absence of any facts or evidence in your report, it comes out sounding like you are just complaining and butthurt.

5. You guys sound like some very butthurt kids (I’ve seen your previous forum posts, and this seems the case). Incase you didn’t know, this server is PirateCraft not PrincessCraft. If you and your members want to quit because of the “threat levels by the players”, maybe this isn’t the right server for you. Raiding, “threatening”, and sieging are apart of the server. Honestly, take your entitled-ness and annoyingness somewhere else.

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