Reply To: Alliance Request

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I SpikyCactus2105, the Prime Minister of The Dominion Of Canada request an alliance with the mighty British empire.

My capital city, Ottawa, is located in the northern sea, very close to British settlements and I wish to be peaceful with the British Empire. I don’t want to fight, I just want a peaceful location for my crew members to build and prosper. I feel like our crews could benefit each other, anyone in the BE would be welcome to visit Ottawa at any point of time, since it is only a ~5 min boat ride from a major British port, and hopefully this alliance would open many doors for free trade and protection. I am also planning to build a navy to protect the waters near Ottawa, but with the alliance we would be able to protect each other. I could send troops over to help in times of need, and we would always be willing to lend a hand whenever we can, my crew is still pretty small but we are constantly expanding! In my time in Piratecraft I have always looked up to The British Empire, I was awestruck when I first saw London and when I saw the fleet. I should stop writing now… this wasn’t supposed to be this long, but whatever…

In conclusion, I think that we would benefit each other, through trade, military, or anything really. I also think that with our close proximity we would be ready to help with anything. Therefore, I humbly request an alliance with the mighty British Empire. I wanted to make a new request because I didn’t like how I worded the old one.





This is the account for SpikyCactus’ old username; Gamer_2105. It has been abandoned.

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