Reply To: Another Treasure Hunt!

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It was found by Me and Riverwood202!

It took me a total of 2 hours of hard work (and convincing Jmoo i wasnt an idiot) to find the location. I got lucky and found the treasure by using an incomplete set of coords. (for example, the coords i knew so far were 3456, 78, ?3?? and i got lucky by finding it on map by scanning the area).

Heres my share of the loot!

(the sword is a Santa Blade and the wither skull is a special Ancient Wither Skull with special effects!)

i encourage @riverwood202 to post her share as well!

overall i think jmoo did a great job! it was a tough puzzle and if u enjoy these sorts of things i insist you continue the search, even if we got the reward 😛

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