Reply To: [changelog] Cannon Projectiles, Ender Pearl teleport, Diamond Iron Golems!

Home Forums PirateCraft Server Updates [changelog] Cannon Projectiles, Ender Pearl teleport, Diamond Iron Golems! Reply To: [changelog] Cannon Projectiles, Ender Pearl teleport, Diamond Iron Golems!

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Umm…rip castles being safe…isn’t enderpearls being able to be shot into claims a bit…discouraging for good-looking bases?

Im soooooo glad you wrote that! I never thought of that /s. Elytras? Ships/Turrets with giant swining arms? Castles were never safe.

The number of people with elytras that pvp, or that would risk one flying over a castle wall for a raid is less than 10, ships havent been used in a very long time for raiding castles, and I’ve never seen anyone use turrets at all..let alone to raid. Castle walls with 10-15 blocks out from the walls claimed have been very safe.

Death to da Brits
Death to da Elves
Death to da Fruits

Heck..Death to Everyone 😀

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