Reply To: Minigames(Bootywars) Issue
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One of the Booty wars maps is broken and has not been fixed, just do not use that specific map
Oh snap, what one?
So I test played bootywars on the server with a friend, and heres what I found out: On the map “BootyWars” neither I or my friend were able to place any blocks. It said “You can’t place this here” We then went and tried the ice map, and we could place things fine. The issue was though, at the end of the game, both of our FPS went to zero! (Not network issue) It was raining at this time, so could rain have caused it? And right after I fell due to being unable to see more than 1 fps, we were sent back to the hub, and my fps instantly went back to 60.
You’re not suppose to be able to place blocks, its a mini game. you buy the blocks from the villagers.
At the end of the game the world resets, but you should be moved to the lobby. I will have to test it to make sure there are no issues, I recently updated all that server and I haven’t checked that the games work, so maybe the update broke some things.
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