Reply To: new quartermaster permission – new ship

Home Forums Server Support Requests & Suggestions new quartermaster permission – new ship Reply To: new quartermaster permission – new ship

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Quatermaster is inherited by donators, so it would be under these ranks, Issue is at present is we have donators that can reach Quatermaster but the bloody ranking plugin dev wont add the changes to fix it so donators can rank too. So it would have to be inherited as thats the perk, they get everything unlocked. Im not going to start locking random things as thats the entire point of donating to unlock everything.

I game for a bigger ship, I think if I was to do it, I would just make that the largest ship and move the Indiaman down a notch or two, firstmate could get Indiaman, then quatermaster could get newship type and the donators would get it.

We need new ships!

But remember we can have different types, like ones that need less sails but require say coal to move.

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