Reply To: Temporarily Banned – Request Unban Xeruic and Systeen aka Keem__

Home Forums Server Support Unban Requests Temporarily Banned – Request Unban Xeruic and Systeen aka Keem__ Reply To: Temporarily Banned – Request Unban Xeruic and Systeen aka Keem__

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Ok I understand everything here EXCEPT the fact that some of you are arguing about keem and ice using the same skins as cysteen. Its understandable if someone takes 2 hours of his life to make a nice unique skin and then gets pissed off when someone fakes it.  But this is not the case here as I just found those skins on skindex yesterday which i do believe are open and free for everyone to use because otherwise i dont believe they would be uploaded on there. Also the griefing and sieging and rude books and stuff… lets see here a member of Cov(or whatever was it back then) or now TAS (which I will not name as those things have stopped and i have no problems with it anymore) used to siege me alot when i was a newbie to the server. After he first sieged me it was all fun and games but after a while i found the terrain of my fort completely griefed probably by the use of TNT. Ive also experienced him sieging me alot of times while i was building my ships and later he just stole them, blew them up infront of my fort and left the griefed remainings there. Also i found some extremely rude signs (I am not 100% sure who was it) infront of my friend’s house insulting me for claiming his house after he was banned because it was a pretty nice one. Also once he griefed my ship something slipped out of my mouth and i said something innapropriate (no it wasnt racism or any other kinds of stuff i was just raging and saying weird stuff), for which he later constantly threatened me to report me for that which i said, every single time i said something (and then here we are talking about harrasing because someone raided you and dropped a rude book) . I do realize i should report it but i didnt. But this is how it works here. Someone does the same crap as the other one yet only 1 receives the punishment. Hopefully you can excuse me because of my english, and dont take this as some sort of an insult to the members of TAS or others in the server its just my opinion about what is going on currently because of keem and ice.

Thanks for reading this block of stuff

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