Reply To: This forum is an appology, a warrning appeal, and a request.

Home Forums PirateCraft General This forum is an appology, a warrning appeal, and a request. Reply To: This forum is an appology, a warrning appeal, and a request.

  • Topics: 9
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  • Total: 217
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If I may just put my opinion in…this whole “bullying” thing (blackmailing players and etc.)…doesn’t that just kinda go with the territory of playing in a server named after a kind of criminal? I personally think this whole blackmailing thing (one player threatening another to do something otherwise something bad will happen) is merely a part of the role the server is named after. Pirates are thieves/murderers/criminals and unless the player is actually being racist or somehow putting another player down emotionally, then what exactly is wrong?


In my honest opinion, blackmailing a player into doing something or not doing something, is just being realistic with the role the admins have given most players. The server is named after a criminal…I’ve never heard of a nice pirate that follows the “law”. Blackmail should be treated as part of the game and should not be against the rules.

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