Reply To: North Verussi (0utlaws)

Home Forums PirateCraft General North Verussi (0utlaws) Reply To: North Verussi (0utlaws)

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CrazyPirate, you call what happened earlier a victory? You think killing 2 people whilst losing countless sets of armor is a win? boy, you people have a broad definition of the term victory. RS, we have tried to make amends with you. We played our part, and you stabbed us right in the back. Wilson has declared his part of Verussi is loyal to us still, regardless of what you say. For me, that is enough to consider your divided nation a neutral group in this war. But if you want to pick sides, I am sure we can make use of the ships we have stationed nearby. As for the BE and the EE, the 0utlaws really dont give a damn about what you think we ‘pose’ in terms of threats. Our sole job is to make your people turn against you/imperialism, and so far, it has worked. You are no longer facing one crew; you are facing about 7 pirate crews now. Oh, and btw, thanks for the unclaimed and unchested ships you leave at your Naval HQ, they are useful if we want low risk raids.

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