Reply To: Donator /back abuse. We will be adding a cooldown Timer, Donators need to reply.

Home Forums PirateCraft General Donator /back abuse. We will be adding a cooldown Timer, Donators need to reply. Reply To: Donator /back abuse. We will be adding a cooldown Timer, Donators need to reply.

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A 1-3 second timer for /back would be the perfect median between donators and non-donators. This way, /back is still very effective while not being to be abused for combat or raids. The very command itself is powerful enough, so a 2 second cooldown wouldn’t remove its great effect. It would simply make it hard to abuse with by it not being instant.


EDIT: Or put a return cooldown on, this way /back is still instant, but a player can’t spam it to go back and forth through bases, picking up their dropped items before 2 seconds pass. As Sara mentioned, /back isn’t just used for pvp, but also to escape dangers such as drowning or lava. So putting a return cooldown wouldn’t hinder the effects of escaping non-pvp dangers, while still removing the possibility of pvpers to abuse the command.

I'm just a sweet ol' grandma tryna understand wtf I just read.

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