BaconEggNballz » Overview
- Status
- Last seen
- 11 days, 5 hours, 27 minutes, 56 seconds (15/12/2024 07:46:50)
- Last Logon
- 15/12/2024 07:45:24
- Playtime
- 24 days 19 hours 36 minutes 54 seconds
- Money
- $960.78
- Votes
- 0
- 1c438072-b9b6-4424-b34c-f0df600f8e4a
- Short UUID
- 1c438072b9b64424b34cf0df600f8e4a
- Total Claims
- 10
- Accrued Claim blocks
- 31157
- Bonus Claim Blocks
- -13929
Username History
Username | Date |
BaconEggNballz | 12/01/2024 15:11:32 |
cstro5 | 07/24/2024 18:32:32 |
mrancid | 11/12/2022 23:28:38 |
SrKobace | 11/26/2021 21:57:18 |
Kobace | 09/26/2021 18:47:09 |
S34G4T3 | 08/27/2021 15:56:23 |
fullassault | 06/04/2021 13:52:18 |
lurnn_ | 05/03/2021 19:35:34 |
lazydog13 | 04/03/2021 17:44:10 |
kobace | 03/02/2021 10:40:02 |
fullAssault | 01/31/2021 03:11:57 |
Unbearable9k | 05/05/2020 07:36:45 |
Crew Details
BaconEggNballz's not in a crew!
Check the PirateCraft discord for crews that are recruiting!
Pet Parrot (Red)
Purchase from /donate
/kit playtime1
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/kit playtime5
Unlock with /prewards
/kit playtime6
Unlock with /prewards
/kit playtime3
Unlock with /prewards
/kit playtime2
Unlock with /prewards
/kit playtime4
Unlock with /prewards
/kit advent24_10
See /kits in game
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