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November 17, 2013 at 3:07 pm #804
seems more tactical than just taking your time when they arent online lol
November 17, 2013 at 12:40 pm #803Anonymous
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you starting something good ol’ Jonny lad?
starting something you can’t finish?
Aha jk
siege needs an improvement, when I siege someone it sucks because I kill them then I can’t take anything from them
tbh raiding needs to be done in teams with the right tactics, and now that you’ve got me thinking in that direction, you’re right
see raiding can be done, by some fella using siege to break as many blocks above chests as possible
then he gets his buddies to raid the chests and spam kill the individual now the chests are exposed
Looks like Captain Adzy’s gonna need himself a crewNovember 16, 2013 at 6:11 pm #802thats rubbish imo , you can raid, they just have to be online to defend themselves, which is much better.
i want somewhere to keep my stuff safe im sure you would if you have what i have too lol
November 16, 2013 at 4:26 pm #801Anonymous
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gonna be honest blatantly honest
I think factions would be better than griefprevention
it’s impossible to raid with griefprevention, and the server is a server you raid on
A poor pirate server if pirates can’t make any profit on itNovember 16, 2013 at 1:07 am #800I think we are getting too involved with the gameplay “rules” rather than the set up of the server in general lol. I don’t think we should make people choose their teams. People team up when they want too. Leave it like that. Everyon will want to be a pirate which would leave the other 2 groups under manned in comparison.
If you want to share building claims then you already have that option too with permissions.I think things like
Starting kit should be looked at.
Minimum claim should be reduced in size. Although I understand its purpose is to stop people spam claiming, but a moderator/ admin should be able to adjust these if clearly used to troll people.Random teleporting should be a limited option as it doesn’t benefit people getting close together etc but does spread people amongst the map.
I think the game needs to go a bit more barebones from before.
Although big stats and achievements could possibly result in some sort of benefit it reward if admin sees fit etc.
Spawn island was awesome when it was a tiny island in the middle of nowhere. Now it’s too Hollywood lol
November 15, 2013 at 7:41 pm #799Anonymous
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challenges before becoming a pirate seems redundant
I can see you having to go through formal training before joining a uk or spain army
but to be a pirate I don’t think they were trained, learned how to fight and raid on the job
I think your idea might over-complicate it, mostly cause I don’t understand where your coming from as I ain’t seen anything like it before
but if Gods or Reaps can understand it better and find it possible
then smashingNovember 15, 2013 at 7:19 pm #798One more idea- in the new world, we should have statues of the main people on this server, such as godsdead, adzybaba, and others, so that new people can see us. These statues would be hidden round the world, each with loot at the top. People would have to complete challenges to get to the top, such as parkour, before being given the option of joining a side (spain,uk,pirate).
The harder the statue, the better the loot. Depending on the statue, different commands could be unlocked. For example, spawning in a boat, or a diamond pick if they complete Godsdeads statue. Oh, and the commands have recharge times.November 15, 2013 at 5:46 pm #797Anonymous
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in my longer message, dumbass spelling mistake to makeNovember 15, 2013 at 5:44 pm #796Anonymous
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Ships plugins are crap crazy, they’re badly made and dog awful, if you find one that’s worth installing cause it works tell us, but we’ve tried some and they’re diabolical
we’re all on the same page, it’s just certain glitches, like a double chest on a ship kicking everyone from the server, are too riskyNovember 14, 2013 at 11:12 pm #795a simple enough solution to the factions problem would be different coloured claims, and instead of a name when you click on it, and nations flag. The suggested nations could be Spanish (red), England/UK(blue), and pirates(black/grey). Once you join an empire or side, you earn and claim blocks as usual. If that fails, people can just pick claim colours. I would be happy to help with small merchant ships, pubs, townhalls, Ill post pics later. I just hope that this server comes out okay. And a ships plugin would be great…
November 14, 2013 at 11:05 pm #794Anonymous
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The continents owned by groups..would that kind of replicate the old British and Spanish war that was in progress during a lot of the golden age of piracy?
In that case it’d be good to have ”Spain” and ”Britain” obviously they’d look nothing like their real life counterparts, just as a theme to run through
Then some sort of Pirate continent of free men hated by both empires
If that’s the root you were planning on going of course
If you meant some other way of having continents owned by groups do tell
Removal of tpa would in some ways only have its positives. The guys who’ll rage cause tpa is limited are immature players and I have no problem watching brats like that just leave
makes it more piratey if you can’t teleport
I agree whitelist, is an arse
Following on the continental idea-ish is that, on piratecraft somethin I didn’t like too much was going round just an average minecraft world apart from spawn being a pirate themed town, there definitely needs to be more islands like spawn, creative built, that have houses you can rent and stuff like that
There’s no need for factions, griefprevention can do the same job really, ”the only people get trusted to my base are people who are in my fac ”The Assassins” or whatever, you get the drift
I wouldn’t mind losing my ships, just transitioning some of the stuff from my vault is something I’d be high tempted to do, saying that, I’m not exactly super rich right now
I agree with the ”if someone has vetted it, then i think it takes away alot of the exploration side of things”
They’ll tell stories one day, they’ll tell stories, of how Godsy, Reapy, Crazy and Adzy fought for the new server which prided itself upon freedomNovember 14, 2013 at 8:33 pm #793ok so for the terrain generating idea, perhaps we(everyone) could research this a bit more perhaps find something that works effectively?
i love grief prevention, its brilliant, no ifs or buts about it, although some people arent too clued up on it, get rage because theyve been raided, and the quit leaving big claimed bits of useless land, i think we need to maintain that more nest time, have a 2 month last visit limit on it then their land claims expire and they either have to come back on and reclaim, or lose it to the rest of them, a dead person cant defend their treasure!
having continents etc owned by groups would be awesome, a bit capture the flaggish, we ought to look into how to implement that!
i think tp, should be either limited to 1 per hour, or removed entirely for ranks that dont “need” it
a whitelist isnt my cup of tea, i like to stumble accross a server and tbh if i had to wait to be whitelisted to get on here i would never have joined, im far too impatient lol.
do we need to test new seeds as a group? i think we should just find one with lots of water, and go with it, its random and thats the point, if someone has vetted it, then i think it takes away alot of the exploration side of things.
November 14, 2013 at 8:21 pm #792Well, that was my initial idea for PirateCraft to use a custom terrain generator to generate bespoke structures randomly without having to spawn them manually, The plugin is called TerrainControl, but I could never get it to work, its really complex.
what plugins do we run right now, are they the most effective for what we need?
I have always been ahead of the curve in terms of GreifPrevention, Some servers still use 10 plguins to manage griefing, GP does everything in one, its fantastic and has some amazing updates coming out soon that fix issues like invincible dogs in sieges.
I Think this is the biggest thing, people always request factions, but these plugins are an absolute mess, and are pretty much just text based role playing, you also cannot use griefprevention with a factions plugin.
is there others we should/could have?
I would love to find a way to be able to attack and take over continents/land, maybe a plugin that lets users build defences like with the cannon one, but work on proximary to protect land that could be taken over, maybe with things like town centers that you need to protect.
do we have the player ranks fair?
Probity not, at present we have “trusted users” that I think have too much as it is, with the combination of warps, teleports and multiple sethomes people can just warp the flip around whenever they please.
how do we maintain a mature server and still keep the traffic high?
There is one way to vet new players, a whitelist, but that keeps out new players that stumble across the server and want to play there and then.
Traffic is all in advertising, its hard really hard, especially since our IP will change for a third time. (Mother flipping shard gaming)does anyone know of any good seeds for an awesome new map?
There are billions, We need to think of a way to test out new seeds as a group.
do we carry any buildings over to the new map?
I plan on moving the Skull, SuperGL’s arena and Spawn and scatter them around the map intergrating them as if they were built there and then, I will take requests but it is a pain in the ass to plant old building in new terrain.
November 14, 2013 at 8:08 pm #791we need a bit more forward thinking, lets face it, at the moment the traffic is at an all time low, so we arent losing people by being down, and the people that want to come back know how to when the time comes.
I dont personally know anyone who would be able to help with even a suggestion to a host, and with that i stand back.
im not a big computer brainiac i know little of the workings of this stuff, and as much as id like to i cant help lol.
if going to a more manhandleable server where you have more responsibilties, then if you can teach me how to help then im more than happy to up my game to lighten the load for you, thus allowing you the time to maintain website etc.with regards to the start of the new server, we have a few main things to start with
what plugins do we run right now, are they the most effective for what we need?
is there others we should/could have?
do we have the player ranks fair?
how do we maintain a mature server and still keep the traffic high?
does anyone know of any good seeds for an awesome new map?
do we carry any buildings over to the new map?personally i think we should start a fresh map, with a new spawn, but keep a few items that we can spread around the map, for people to find as the live map becomes uncovered, i find little more satisfying than exploring and finding something awesome!
perhaps have a few people spend a week or so on the new seed, landscaping, generating buildings/ships for people to claim and
hiding goodies around the map( buried treasure, ship wrecks with booty in etc)November 14, 2013 at 7:46 pm #790Jon’s on the right track, I’ve been looking for decent hosts here and there, most of the top google results from “minecraft hosts” look very, very similar to Daddycheese/Shardgaming their structure is uncanny.
Im trying to get some company recommendations through word of mouth, Before making the big jump.
I do have a home server that stays on 24/7 that I might test running PirateCraft from for the time being, alas my upload speed is awful and would be too much of a bottleneck to run smoothly (we can test this)
I am contemplating moving to a VPS based server, which gives me more control, then again with more control comes more problems keeping the server software up-to date and alive, which is all time that could be spent on the website & server admin itself!
If you go to you can see they have even put up a big notice saying that they are actively working on 1.7.2, A lot of servers are stuck in this transition period.
So I think Jons right that we should talk out if we want to change anything for when we get a new server with 1.7.2. -
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