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  • Jon
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    it was down the other day, but its back up lol

    cool, so rename the trade section and we can get something going there when we get all started.

    makes sense boats in the start kit, are gonna have kits other than that single one? i think it kinda makes things a little easy.

    the boat plugin is going to be insane, is there a limit to size of boats though? worry of people making things too huge and lagging the server out.

    i wasnt saying you had loads of signs at spawn, the spawn we have now is about as basic as you can get on a lavish spawn lol, its as far as id go with it, iv seen others that have signs, talking villagers, random texts etc which just gets silly.

    i know your a man after my own heart though, barebones minecraft with basic mods, to make gameplay better, but, still retain some difficulty.
    Too many mods it get boring too quick, make it a challenge and you appreciate builds and accomplishments more.

    i think there is a few people that will retain ranks, a few who have left and wont have them should they return.

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    xD saying that I’m wondering if I’ll keep sailor
    and also, my loot I’ve become a lot richer since the world backup, wondering if there’s a way of preserving those riches for the next world, quickly, so in the next one I can bribe the right pockets for certain things xD

    • Topics: 14
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    really irrelevant right now crazypirate, just saying

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Just wondering, but will I be able to keep my progress towards sailor, or will I have to start again…

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    I can’t believe its still up, it could go down at any point now, nobodys paying the bills to keep it on.

    It turns out I already created a forum for “trade” which i named
    Public Group Talk – An open forum for groups to communicate, Trade, Requests, Meetups, War and Showing off.

    Might need to rename it…

    Boats are given in startup kits now, they get two! Thats enough to travel to an island! Plus with the addition of a working boat plugin we will all soon be cruising in style.

    I had hardly any signs at spawn! just on the newbies spawn boat! and yes about 50% of the new people that joined I saw read them!

    Bare with, Picking a host is a painful process. I want something that wont just drop out of the blue -_-

    • Topics: 12
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    yer i wouldnt expect you too, i think a space for it on the forum would eba great idea, worst case mention it to you or super’ when online.

    a PirateCraft estate agents would be quite cool, but how about a full Buy/Sell/Trade forum section, people can post wanted adds, for sale adds, etc for claims, items, enchanted items, and labour for ehlkping build etc.

    ok so no regeneration, how about a boat dispenser? from memory not too difficult to build and couild be restocked everyday easily with plenty able to stock.

    tiny spawns are in my opinion great, ok i get the use of signs everywhere helping out is great, but have you ever read them, or seen anyone else? haha

    random teleporter should be single use or at the most single use per 24hrs, but i think half of the adventure of finding your own jhouse is the trekking and exploration, i wont use it.

    we could certainly be using the current server for designs to take along with us, would be nice to see people on there! haha

    • Topics: 794
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    The poll worked out much better than I expected it too, with a unanimous decision for a new world for 1.7.2.

    80% Are up for a new world, 26% wanting to bring their loot into a new world.
    15% Guests, who stumbled across PirateCraft.
    5% Based on 3 votes for No, One from SuperGL (You little shit stirrer).

    I think its time to close the poll, and put up a new one. What could the next poll be a vote for?

    • Topics: 794
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    I wouldn’t want to hand out any permission to anybody to delete claims on a whim, me and SuperGL can do that, Lets say requests to delete claims can be posted to the forums, We could have a forum to buy/sell claims, we have had the ability to sell claims in-game for a while now, we will also get the ability to rent them soon too if we really wanted, which brings up another problem, do we wipe earned claims clean for the new world? everybody starts off with the default claim blocks? Carry on from what we have now?

    I tried that regeneration plugin, turned out that was the plugin that kept crashing the server, I will have to look for an alternative, there is a tree re-plant plugin called tree-assist, but that is only server wide:

    It would be fantastic to let that only happen in claims, I could set an admin claim around spawn so nobody could claim land but still destroy and build in it? Like I started to do with the space around the current spawn due to idiots claiming complete rubbish around spawn.

    I LOVE a tiny spawn 15×15 sounds perfect size, originally we were 5×5 on that original island!
    That was a fun spawn, one sign and all! haha

    Do we ditch the random teleporter? or make it one time use only?

    If I get a new server sorted we could actually start building new “spawns” on the current world, islands are easy to transplant to a new world!

    • Topics: 12
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    GP handles dead claims to an extent, but equally, i think mods/admin need to have some sort of control on these too, mpaterson has a claim by spawn, its nothing but a waste of space, and looks sucky. there is a few others that hog big parts of a continent and it cause lots of unused space, consequently lots of other bunched up players.

    bukkit looks likely to be a good way be a long way away from being ready but we need to make considerations for all of its changes.

    for me new start should be this

    Spawn: small island 15 x 15, wrecked galleon with a few beds in so people can hold on til day light, 3 or 4 trees that replenish themselves so people can make boats and a few tools then off they go, into the wilderness to start their new gmae. i loved the 10minute travel from spawn by boat to find an island to live on lol now poeople join, tp to someone and off they go!

    either no /kits or a basic wood kit every 4 hrs or so

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    oh, and ships plugins- that would be an almighty yarr! for me. I can finally get to work with Crazy’s Crazy Ships, the pirate ship building company, we build fishing vessels, frigates, and merchant vessels that look realistic!

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    You want it to be comfy, so people feel safe, but not to safe as people settle in. I think that there should be the option that trusted players are allowed a house at spawn. Most people would leave spawn if they cant build there, so you wont have a crowded spawn. An island with less buildings would be nice, but stuff like banks would be cool.
    P.S- Just before piratecraft updates to 1.7.2, can we have a server party, with fireworks, and a stage for a “band”. I wouldn’t mind doing the build, and everyone who turns up could be given a diamond/emerald, doesn’t matter, it would be lost when the server updates.

    • Topics: 794
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    Lets talk about the new spawn, What do we want the new spawn to be? same as the old one? A tiny desert island, a pirate ship in the middle of a sea/next to an island, shipwreck? Do we want or need anything specific at spawn? It needs to be small and easy to leave to get started, but needs to take enough effort & time to survive a new users first night to not push them away, and it cannot be too easy. A small challenge pushes away people that join to just cause trouble/mess.

    • Topics: 794
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    Griefprevention already handles “bum” claims as I call them, automatically deleting them, there were flipping hundreds from an influx of users at one point, that all got auto deleted for inactivity and just being on terrain, This explains it in detail:

    This is a recent update form Bukkit and its not looking good, At present when they finally release a development version, none of the exiting plugins will work.

    Are there any live 1.7.2 servers people play on at present? I haven’t played on any other minecraft servers in years, are there any gameplay things other use that would benefit piratecraft?

    • Topics: 14
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    I’m back on the griefprev side rather than facs
    I do wanna get testing that ships plugin though, it’d be a right laugh
    I also agree on the quality of builds being unclaimed,
    happy days happy days

    • Topics: 12
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    wish i knew were online ewaerlier would have been good to have a good brainstorm together lol.

    1. i hate factions, im currently messing around on a server with factions, i vhe no idea what i have safe and what i dont lol so consequently im living in a hole to avoid being raided, hardly good looking lol, GP is the tits with very few technical glitches which can be gotten around by being clever with your buildings.

    2 claims should definately expire, but i think it should be done manually, the people who have made the effort to build something awesome shouldnt be kicked on the day of expiry, equally someone who has claimed a tree, not been on for 3 weeks should just have it remover, things like billys sky island and mine and sambobs skull in theory have surpassed the expiry, but why would you lose them to everyone to destroy?

    3 doesnt bother me either way in the slightest, minecraft is the game i dont need agame inside of it for me lol

    4 the ships plugin sounds awesome, lets get something set up for testing, quick!

    5 i like achievemnets that result in ranking up but equally i love how underated this server is in comparison to the 10-12 i looked at today as a gap filler, all of which i have deleted as will not go on something so busy and annoying lol, i think if we can get a stats plugin like the one we had that just puts things in a table that would be epic as it made competition amongst people and that was enough.

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