Lukac123, I have decided I will unban this time but with the following conditions.
1) I need you to pass an F3 examination upon your return.
2) You have been banned 3 other times before this, so one would think you would have taken a closer look at the rules this time. If you have not done this, you most definitely should. When in game just do /rules and they are also posted all over this very website you are using to get unbanned. You are not allowed to bypass the AFK kicking in anyway this is the original reason of your ban because you were spamming death messages at cove like a bot would.
3) Your IP address has multiple accounts linked to it, I would like to address this during your F3 examination.
As long as these 3 things all yield results in your favor, your ban will be lifted and you may continue playing on the server
- Topics: 1
- Replies: 0
- Total: 1
- ★
Current Username: lukac123
Username when banned: lukac123
UUID: UUID (You can get it from
Your punishment tracker link:
Banned By: BadBrando
Unban Appeal
i didn’t use mods. I have put a weight on my w key. i didnt use alts