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  • #62505
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    @_Gorka_ I just got kicked for this by lazydog.

    • Topics: 4
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    • Total: 13

    Current Username: _Gorka_
    Username when banned: _Gorka_
    UUID: fd88c401-e4c4-4485-8786-b8bf13b5ad40
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Maximus_Terragon

    (I’d like in advance to apologize for any grammar or syntax mistakes you could find in this post, i’m just a frenchie)

    Good morning/afternoon everyone,

    My name is Gorka, and I got banned from the server around a year ago for auto-relogging (that was to bypass afk kicks, to get money from claimblocks). I didn’t post an unban request until a year because I truly believe it was well deserved.

    In the span of one year, I had plenty of time to think of that mistake, and words can’t describe how much I regret doing that.

    The experience this server gives is unique,I can’t deny I felt a bit of loss without it and no other server could satisfy it anymore.

    If you care to give me a last chance to play among this wonderful community. I pledge to redeem myself in one way or another, not using any software to give myself unfair advantages sounds like an obvious first step.

    I feel like I no longer am the butthurt and complaining idiot who made a big mistake, I have changed and I’d like to prove it to you too.

    I am ready to rejoin PirateCraft.




    In reply to: Unban appeal

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    • ★★★★★★★

    @_gorka_ basically you’ve got to make your claim around you base bigger, so they can’t use them.

    But I thought chorus fruit wasn’t allowed? or it made sure to avoid the base? idk.

    • Topics: 66
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    • ★★★★★★★

    @_gorka_ i’m pretty sure there was another crew called USSR before, and made before.


    Topic: Unban appeal

    in forum Unban Requests
    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 9
    • Total: 13

    Current Username: _Gorka_
    Username when banned: _Gorka_
    UUID: fd88c401-e4c4-4485-8786-b8bf13b5ad40
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: The_Network

    Reconnect software disabled, now if you could please hurry up, because people like RoMich02 and Antonino2030 have been emptying my chests for 30mins.


    Topic: I'm bacc boys

    in forum Unban Requests
    • Topics: 4
    • Replies: 9
    • Total: 13

    Current Username: _Gorka_
    Username when banned: _Gorka_
    UUID: fd88c401-e4c4-4485-8786-b8bf13b5ad40
    Your punishment tracker link:
    Banned By: Automated Console, (or The_Network idk)

    Unban Appeal

    Good evening (european) gentlemen.

    I just noticed i did something really bad.

    I’m often using an auto reconnect software because of my terrible french cheesy peasant connection (2000ms average ping, with some ping that go over 9000! (have the memes gone too far?) Why would I get more ping than Mars Curiosity Rover is a problem. So this software kinda helps with reconnecting, and somehow reduces the lag. (dont ask me how)

    Anyway the ban happened 2 hours ago, I then made a huge mistake: I went afk for an hour or two for diner, but didn’t turn the reconnect software off.

    You see how the bad joke’s going to end?

    My router crashed, so the reconnect software went berzerk and tried to reconnect me with the server every fucking 10 seconds, during an hour… (as my logs say) :/

    How these attempts came to the server, as the router was off, is a mystery.

    However I apologize to the admins and players, who didn’t understand what’s going on, and asked if I was okay (or if I was on shrooms, dont worry homies, I never 420BlazeDeezJoints when I play minecraft.)

    I also apologize if it made the server laggy during that period, which absolutely justifies this ban.

    I’m not really asking for an unban, just wanting to justify it.

    Hope to see you guys soon in game.







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