Search Results for 'Wither01'

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  • #51347

    In reply to: PorkIsAFruit Scamming

    Blu Pearson
    • Topics: 43
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    • ★★★★

    Just FYI Pork is no longer a part of the Witherbeard Clan. He has joined our traitorous ex crew mate wither01’s crew PI. Why I can’t imagine as wither constantly killed and harassed him prior to his betrayal.

    Good luck with that pork XD.

    • Topics: 63
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    • Total: 181
    • ★★★★

    “WitherBeard Clan Raided”

    Today the WitherBeard Clan was insided by none other than Wither01. This inside allowed 5 members of an enemy crew (Dealers Deck) to raid whatever they could from the main base. The raid started quiet as all the members of DD were invisible, until RFlash happened to walk down to where the raiding was going on and walked in on three men in god. He was naked at the time so he died quite fast but this alerted the rest of the WitherBeard Clan including Galaxy219 that the base was under attack. The next 15 minutes were spent with little to no fighting happening as Galaxy tried to close off all entrances to the base.  It eventually ended with DD leaving the base gear in hand as Galaxy and the Rest of the WitherBeards assessed the damage.

    “Winners of ‘Shipped'”

    Today the winners were announced as it turned midnight and #LuckyxLazy won by just one vote. This first edition of “Shipped” came off better than I had expected so I will try to do one of these every few weeks or so to make things interesting. As it goes with all winners Lucky_The_Freak is now officially shipped with Lazydog11, make sure to congratulate them if you see them.


    “Don’t Do Drugs” 

    And Finally here is a video everyone should watch as it reminds us of why not to take the pill.





    The East India Company has just opened at S45! Currently selling:

    – Enchanted books / armour / weapons and tools

    – Ores, quartz, rare and regular blocks

    – Redstone items

    – Potions

    – Sponges and Beacons!



    Be sure to visit the magnificent elven fortress of Greywatch, situated next to Donator Isle just above Shipbreaker Bay! Whether you want to have a tour around the beautiful castle, do some shopping in the castle village, or even rent a shop yourself, you’ll leave Greywatch wanting to come back time and time again!



    Are you running out of materials on the battlefield? Do you need potions? Head on over to shop 40! Cheap prices! ? */msg or /mail RiverKitty if anything is out of stock.*



    Come down to Cys’ shop at s39 (/warp shop2, second on the right) for a general store with a various collection of items from kit armor, to the largest Food shop, and building blocks to choose from! I have Sell signs on the 3rd floor, so anyone needing a quick penny (for a little bit of work) can have a look! Also will be adding a sort of seasonal stock, that changes often, so check back for new stock!



    Head on over to Manda’s shop s12 at /warp shop2 for the cheapest boos, brews, and ores on the server! Now selling everything in the store for £1 below market price or lower!


    “Quote of the day!”

    “Chicken is da best!” ~ Joe Da Hoe

    "Nec possum tecum vivere, nec sine te."
    -"I can live neither with you, nor without you."- ~ Uta

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    • Total: 5


    UUID: Wither01

    Current Rank: Sailor

    Past Rank: Sailor

    Problem: Gods I’ve played for a total of 3 days and I got 60 exp levels but when I died the levels didn’t count anymore and the whole time my days weren’t recording (I’m on path Carpenter)

    • Topics: 794
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    • Total: 4138
    • ★★★★★★★★

    Godsy, Godsdead whichever you prefer, I have a rank issue. UUID: Wither01 Current Rank: Cadet Past Rank: Sailor (Current) Rank path: Carpenter “for some unknown reason,” my rank was dropped down to cadet from sailor sometime after you changed the ranks.

    Done. set as sailor.

    • Topics: 0
    • Replies: 5
    • Total: 5

    Godsy, Godsdead whichever you prefer, I have a rank issue.

    UUID: Wither01

    Current Rank: Cadet

    Past Rank: Sailor

    (Current) Rank path: Carpenter

    “for some unknown reason,” my rank was dropped down to cadet from sailor sometime after you changed the ranks.

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