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  • #40783

    In reply to: New plugin(s)?

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    Not for personal gain, the library has been planned we just need someone to collect books regularly from people, if you want to make a book store then you will use the built in mechanics to copy books and setup your own bookshop. It cant be split profits, this is extremely bias to have an infinite shop for a few players in an admin claim that makes them money for a one time book write, if you are really that concerned about gaining profit, then the server will pay per book, not for every sale, but it will have to be a good book!

    I likr this idea, it could be a new form of competition for the server. Put a nice -one time- price tag on good books and it will encourage people to make them for the staff shop. Then we can get people making all kinds of tips/tricks books to help out newer players ? Oh also as far as other plugins were concerned, we were talking about McMMO in game the other day. It would be cool to have for basic skills (mining, wood cutting, etc) if it is possible to disable the stats/boosts for the pvp aspect. It’d be neat to have, leveling skills could kind of go along with ranking up your pirating, But definitely don’t want it giving a pvp boost to already OP people. Its been a long time since I worked on its configs so I don’t know off hand if it could be configured this way.

    Lets do it!

    What are the rules? what is the prize? How many books per person?  I saw this Recipe book once that had amazing coloured ascii art at the front of it, it was epic.

    This is a fantastic resource for writing and saving your books 🙂

    • Topics: 794
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    once you win siege be allowed to break a # of hard blocks (customizeable in the config) make a customizable distance that you can siege from so you can siege a port base from a ship A list of blocks that regen after siege ends and a customizable percent of which a base regens so you wont lose all your base but will still have to rebuild some. just a few thoughts so far will try to think of more

    This could change everything.. Something that simple. I’m requesting this.

    For everyone asking for Cannon specific addons for siege, that would need to be its own separate plugin, there is no way the GP dev would build that in, GP is its own plugin, he won’t accept multiple plugins being needed to make siege work (that includes crews). it needs to be self sustained within the confides of GP to work for everyone.

    Unless we can get a developer to create a separate plguin that works alongside GP specifically to create our own siege for it.

    -Create a new projectile that wont break blocks, but allows you to harm people further in bases (poison bombs, fire bombs, ect)

    We already have this, but its expensive, We can create custom projectiles that penetrate blocks, we could add a few in, that explode inside too, we could have one penetrate and even explode spiders if we wanted! When it comes to projectiles we have infinite options.

    Change where a defender spawns after they lose the siege as those pesky spam clickers get people kicked for flying and make it impossible to loot without being jailed.

    Yes, this is a great tweak idea, where would they spawn though? Another option could be to change the PVP abuse from jail to something else (death?)

    Make sieges longer, but fix them so other crew/friends cant siege the defender immediately when one siege is over.

    This would need its own custom plugin built to work with the crews plugin, this would make sence to make it work with crews though, I can suggest this, you never know he may think its a good idea.

    New siege objectives. Since right now the ways to win a siege are to: Kill the player, or have the player leave in some way. I think there should be more objectives like maybe destroying a % of the base. Since the siege will be timed players might opt for vaults to hide in that would take a minute to blow up. So to make the timed sieges more balanced, there should be more options for attackers, and more planning for defenders.

    The siege objective I like the idea of, the example you gave, is not good, can you think of some better objectives? maybe we could do something king of the hill style, or proximity based. see how long you can hold the area?

    Make it so that nearby adjacent claims that the person being sieged owns or has perms to are also affected by the siege, many time I have sieged someone and won but their base is separated into millions of different claims.

    It does auto do claims they own, but not adjacent claims, this is a good request, this will go into the proposal.

    make a customizable distance that you can siege from so you can siege a port base from a ship

    I get the idea, but it could be abused, you just need someone on your crew to run to land first and start it, like a scout or someone you dont care about getting killed!

    A list of blocks that regen after siege ends and a customizable percent of which a base regens so you wont lose all your base but will still have to rebuild some.

    This is a much better option, have a second list of blocks that regen in a siege, so then we can add them to the soft blocks! Good thinking unipants.

    i also love the crux idea

    I have no idea what a crux is, or what you are talking about, can you give me a better example?

    Possible way to make blocks destroyed in siege not drop as items you can pick up?

    I like this, if it works in tandum with unis idea for a list of blocks to be broken, we dont want people running into sieges and just breaking chests do we? because that’s what will happen.


    So far:

    Im absolutely outstanded with the amazing requests so far, I think with the ideas so far we can re-make siege 10x better! Please please please, do keep the requests coming, if the ideas get turned down, then I think we should find a developer to make a separate plugin for us just for siege that includes all the things we have talked about and have them toggleable so we can test certain aspects.

    Ideas I just thought of:

    • Having a visual timer, this could be aided by the Bossbar api, so the bossbar depicts how long the siege has left.
    • Record every siege into a database, so we can see whos sieging who, with your wins and losses, then we could determine a ranking system or number for a player, like the k/d ratio but for sieges, we could then stop insane level high people sieging brand new players.



    In reply to: New plugin(s)?

    • Topics: 794
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    I have a better ship plugin the server might be able to use. Although it may require slight adaptation I believe using this instead will run smoother and handle better with less tools and signs to use. links here: -

    This is a client side mod, not a plugin, we cant use it sorry.

    Well, the library sounds awesome, but what about people who want to collect all the profits? (Because I would assume that the author gets 50(+)%) We could probably do this anyways Another instance where the printing press would come in handy is if a crew needed to hand out something important in a book form to other members (idk, maybe battle strategies or something). Either way it’s up to @godsdead to decide. (Just take this into consideration)

    Not for personal gain, the library has been planned we just need someone to collect books regularly from people, if you want to make a book store then you will use the built in mechanics to copy books and setup your own bookshop.

    It cant be split profits, this is extremely bias to have an infinite shop for a few players in an admin claim that makes them money for a one time book write, if you are really that concerned about gaining profit, then the server will pay per book, not for every sale, but it will have to be a good book!

    I like he library idea! I could help by being a librarian? I spilled water on my keyboard and am waiting on the replacement. It’s depressing seein my laptop lay in a heap in the corner D: can’t wait to join back on!

    Yeah, please! What I can do, is sub-claim the library, and some locked chests somewhere where you can go around collecting books off players that have written really good books, we will need to put signs through the library to organise it, so we could have a tutorials section for instance.


    • Topics: 66
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    Soz, very off topic.


    But I like the TMPLRS, they are a constructive, well-headed community that I believe has made PirateCraft somewhat better since they began.

    They have tried to make the server a bit more interesting, and have tested the British Empire in a “fun war” as it’s been put.

    Their members are often long-term players, each with their own distinct knowledge, behaviour, build style and likes and dislikes.

    Yet I have never talked to the entire TMPLR crew, the majority of the crew (from what I can see) are nice, friendly people, who aren’t a*seholes like they could be… but are not. 🙂


    In reply to: New plugin(s)?

    • Topics: 14
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    • ★★★★★

    I like he library idea! I could help by being a librarian? I spilled water on my keyboard and am waiting on the replacement. It’s depressing seein my laptop lay in a heap in the corner D: can’t wait to join back on!

    ~ I'm always right, when I'm not wrong...
    - Vice President of The Thirteen Colonies
    - Master Librarian at Covetown

    • Topics: 8
    • Replies: 69
    • Total: 77
    • ★★★

    Having some problems with 1.10. I can only stay logged in for about 20 seconds tops before it crashes. soooo here is some logs if you guys might be able to help a bit. This is giving me fits.

    EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x00007ff9b199d683, pid=6352, tid=4272


    # JRE version: Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (8.0_25-b18) (build 1.8.0_25-b18)

    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (25.25-b02 mixed mode windows-amd64 compressed oops)

    # Problematic frame:

    # C  [ig7icd64.dll+0x6d683]


    # Failed to write core dump. Minidumps are not enabled by default on client versions of Windows


    # An error report file with more information is saved as:

    # C:\Users\cacti_000\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\hs_err_pid6352.log


    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:


    # The crash happened outside the Java Virtual Machine in native code.

    # See problematic frame for where to report the bug.


    AL lib: (EE) alc_cleanup: 1 device not closed

    Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM warning: Using incremental CMS is deprecated and will likely be removed in a future release

    Raise your glasses, raise them high. Draw your swords, stand or die!

    • Topics: 44
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    i love jmoos ideas, and i was kinda thinking on the same line, so i may add my thoughts to them 🙂

    -be able to fire a diamond BLOCK out of a cannon that has a 50% chance to break any block that is in its blast radius (that can be repaired after siege) and that doesnt have an inventory (chests, hoppers, dispensers, etc.)

    EDIT: we would have to work something out so that redstone machines wouldnt get killed due to ^^, like be unable to kill a block that has a redstone piece on it, or just have the redstone suspended and unbreakable in the siege, and when the blocks get repaired after siege, the blocks that had the redstone on top of them would regen and not interfere with the redstone itself.

    -i also love the crux idea, if u werent able to kill someone in the siege, and they just hide in a box or something, u can kill a crux instead. i saw this done on one server that used emerald blocks as the cruxes and they had a health bar that was depleted by repeatedly breaking the block. when the crux is destroyed the sieger would win and gain access to the claim as if the defender was killed.


    those are my additions to jmoos great ideas 🙂


    • Topics: 60
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    Not really top secret if you put it on the map 😛



    In reply to: Griefers and Robbers?

    • Topics: 6
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    What should be explained, exactly? Hole and pillar for a silent, common robbery. Hole to get underground and pillar to get up on the roof, not illogical random griefing. There was an open beacon hole, so people got in the building

    Why are you using the F1 mode when taking these screenshots?There was always a trapdoor on top.

    JDM Cars are the best


    In reply to: Custom Map Icons

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    I hope this is ok to use for Jamaica, If its not right I can sort another one. Thanks in advance

    Done! added as “jamaica”

    discard the top text. i messed up. badly but see if you can add this one since its PNG not what it was prevously

    Done! Added as “verner”


    In reply to: Griefers and Robbers?

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    They probably used chorus fruit. I hate it when little kids can’t win a siege and chorus in.

    Chorus fruit is only activated in a claim after a siege has won?

    That is correct.

    Although, judging that when Apple sieged me, Flea was saying in crew chat “Glitch inside” I am not in the least bit surprised if he actually did glitch, want me remind you how M4 got banned.?

    JDM Cars are the best

    • Topics: 14
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    Aww i would love the idea of adding the possibility to donate for a nickname, maybe you could make a request forum for it like for the donator statues? That might stop it from people abusing it

    • Topics: 794
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    Top right, that search bar never worked; it only searched blog posts which is useless for most people.

    I have tried multiple indexing plugins, but they all suck. I have ended up using a normal custom Google search, its branded google, but at least it works!

    It should search all links, including forums, players, stats, punishment checker, wiki etc.

    Give it a roll, see if it needs tweaking.


    In reply to: Banned for VPN

    • Topics: 6
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    I have used this VPN for the last 2 years. Its a proper paid one (bout $50 per year) and they have a large customer base and a rep to uphold so not too worried about data leakage. I have it ‘just in case’ I ever took the fancy to download a TV show or movie maybe, not that I ever would ;). I made the post after i was banned as i wasn’t sure what was going on. The log in errors started as typical and varied Minecraft java erros and the website was down so I thought it was just network trouble with the server. A few days later I think it had something about the VPN issue and i tried changing my location and logging from non VPN and that didn’t work either but the site was still down and I could post anything. I did PM you before the site was restored though and you didn’t reply even though you were still making update posts regarding the host swap.

    Wow. Completely wrong on all counts. Got me confused with someone else? I have been online plenty of the same times as the abuser and even seen him banned twice i think. Gods should be able to easily check this. I have only found one screenshot of his cussing on my main PC and am trying to find the others i think might be on my laptop. Im pretty sure ive had no conversations with you.


    Thank you, finally someone who remembers me vouching for me 🙂 Yes i joined elite when i started as a noob but had no idea how anything worked and didn’t even know the chat commands lol so I eventually left as I didn’t know what was going on. As for defending me from Bentas though, was that recent? Is that one of the hackers names? I haven’t been attacked for a while. Just building up my defences and grinding away mostly.


    In reply to: Banned for VPN

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    Just another few slight pieces of evidence I discovered. Not completely helpful but mostly proves the point.

    – oktacraft is NEVER online during the hacker attacks once he even joined 30 seconds after one of the hackers got banned. Might be a coincidence but still Pretty weird.

    – I have talked twice to this hacker. Well more like “a kid that downloaded a bunch of hacks and a VPN to terrorize the server for personal gain” both times he talked in a “let’s change the subject” sort of way. Whenever I talked to him all he did was mention Other things to avoid giving away an actual identity and reflecting it on the person I thought it was. The few times I talked to okta he acted the same way. Trying to avoid a conversation that could get him into suspicion.

    These as  I said might have no meaning at all but I just wanted to say what I thought might be happening. Now in an ironic twist I wanted to talk about  Something that people might have mixed opinions on. Core protection.

    Now I know there are reasons the server doesn’t use it but I just wanted to go over the pros and cons of having it on here


    – you can find literally anything you need to know about what a player has done on the server. This could stop all kinds of behaviors.

    – people glitching into bases would be able to be caught much easier

    – the core protection could see how many diamonds someone has found recently. Which could help find x-rayers

    now I know there is a rule on the server where staff won’t give items to players under any circumstances. I’m not going to suggest what the staff do with this rule if core protection is added because it is out of my control.

    now here’s the downsides

    – may cause lag

    – server might have to crash or reboot to back up data

    – might not be compatible with some plugins on the server

    i thought this would be a good place to post my idea on how to deal with this problem and what I found on it. I’m not telling staff to do anything but merely suggesting an idea. I am perfectly ok if staff do not use this. Thank you for taking the time to read this if you do godsdead. I hope I was of help to you.

    Dear lord was I cringey when I was 14

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