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  • #6395

    In reply to: [Hacker] chaotician375

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    Either way, coming into the server to just piss people off isn’t a person I want on PirateCraft.

    So a player with Β£25 balance can go from 0 to unstoppable? This is exactly what I have tried to avoid on the server, Maybe starting players balances need to be 0.

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Since we’re on the topic of Grief Protection – I just want to say, every time I do /siege , it doesnt let me open chests during the siege. I unlock the chests in /siege, but when I try to open them (also in /siege) Β I simply can’t.. T_T

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    • Topics: 18
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    And I killed you because you killed her in shop and were you in /warp shop no so I killed you if you were not in shop I would not have killed you, you ran like a coward when you killed her and I gave all your stuff to her DONT kill in shop and we will not have a problem stop complaining that you died in forums it’s for news not mad that your mad that your dead so next time follow the rules and we will not have a problem

    • Topics: 18
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    Hey woah woah all of you need to stop…. First of all I was there Saturn you hit her then she hit you back you ran inside the shop the. She shot you, then you killed he after taking those two screenshots of U being Attack stop the lie I saw it that’s why I killed you for killing her :I


    In reply to: hello please read this

    Crazy Pirate
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    No. There are reasons for this. Instead of taking your punishment, you decided to create many, many boring forum threads, which lacked purpose. Your writing is painful to read. Although there shouldn’t be a punishment for that, in my mind, there is a special place in hell reserved for those who can’t use a full stop. Use them. Commas, Full stops, hell, even capitals work. If you have them on your keyboard, they are meant to be used. But back on to the subject of letting you on; just because of far too many forum posts, I believe no. Sorry mate.

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Republica Aeterna. Not City of Republica. Republica Aeterna. Republica Aeterna contains 3 cities; Inima, Eridine, and mgalbrai’s city. Also: this Β is a copy of PUN… the Piratecraft United Nations.. please use that thread to sign up

    Ships And Embassies

    We’ll soon have a TS room + Chat Room; a MASSIVE United Nations gathering auditorium- for all your diplomatic needs; and we’re going to start an department to build Embassies for developing cities/groups…

    P.U.N. – Bringing Piratecraft Together, Block by Block

    (Piratecraft United nations)

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    • Topics: 18
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    A Message from her majesty

    Queen Reptaria the 1st

    Hello people of piratecraft! Now lately I have been seeing people saying hey lets have a peace treaty and others saying hey we need a diplomatic topic! so here it is! In this tab you can talk to anyone about the following

    1. Diplomatic Relations

    a. Treaty’s

    b. On Going Conflicts

    2. Worldly news that is happening in the world

    3. forging alliances

    We are now official! I have seen about 9 people say lets keep the chat clean from yelling and screaming about I declare war or I want peace I want it to be organized. also you can post your Diplomatic Relations Board,


    City Of Republica

    Empire Of Corfadia

    British Empire

    The Holy Empire Of Vienhiem



    (if you don’t accept be respectful to other player don’t be barbaric act in a mature way.)







    Neutral lands:

    Everyone else


    lets be mature about things here πŸ™‚ we can solve out diffrences. Your fate is on you, you can wage war on people or request treatys or even trade agreements. anyways work it out and ill be popping in everyday.

    To Top things of!

    The Empire Of Evermoor has grown ill be posting snapshots in a bit but evermoor is truly a sight to see when done

    that will be all

    from her majesty

    Queen Reptaria the 1st



    • Topics: 10
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    Hey so @godsdead I probably should have noticed this sooner but I havent been into a shop in days.


    I went from being one of the top 10 richest people on the server to having 400$; I went to buy a beacon (thinking I had something closer to 4 grand) and when I checked my balance all my money was gone.

    I don’t even know how much I had, but the stats page last showed me as having 3k+; I hope there is some sort of cashed balance record because I’m sure I had more than that since the page was updated.

    Please help, that’s all my money from donating and from my shop over the past while… T~T


    Update: Ok so it’s been confirmed all the money in my account is what I was payed today for various things. This leads me to believe my $ was set to 0 when my sethomes were wiped. Anyone else who’s homes were wiped also missing their funds?


    In reply to: Map Question

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    @Reptaria I updated it with a few more amendments to the map!

    • Updated skin server to new skin server
    • Removed health from showing, so people cant be hunted for easy kills
    • Made heads smaller
    • Enabled the last 100 lines of chat to be scrolled
    • Set order priority for Staff & Donators, they should get pushed to the top of the players list now.

    None of this will update until the server restarts.

    • Topics: 10
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    For the kits, I think maybe some cake and pie would appease people!


    As for blocks I know the only thing I personally have even done during the rollback time was mine hardened clay at mesa and mine a little quartz in the nether (I didn’t build on top, there’s not even any way to build a tunnel into the rest of the nether, that’s so dumb).

    I think a majority of people would likely appreciate maybe some wood and iron?


    In reply to: STAFF HELP ASAP

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    At the end if the day, the ban hammer has been swung and a decision has been made.

    Now stop all of this trollingbusiness, totally childish. This is not how this server operates and the community should follow by this example.


    If you feel like you have been banned unfairly, I would suggest you gather info that states that you’re a fair player and all for the community.


    For those that have lost a PvP battle. Do not come whining like a child. Take it and deal with it. If you have felt that any player has gone against our rules, we need proof not all of this pathetic whining.


    We are a mature server and we expect our community to follow suit. If you’re going to moan, I’m sure there’s some kindergarten that would accommodate for this.



    In reply to: Ships And Embassies

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Ik the warehouse already has floors with like meeting rooms and such: but maybe we should do away with the whole interior and replace it with a massive auditorium… like train station massive. Only with a ton of seats, and a big central stage.. maybe behind each representatives corner; their nation’s/group’s banner..

    High Arched Roofs

    Large Auditorium however around a central stage, so a circular-ish room.

    And Maybe A Nice Dome. πŸ˜€

    So that basically means we just redo the interior, and a dome on top of the roof.

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    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    Crazy Pirate
    • Topics: 110
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    Town Name:Β  Port Royal

    Town Colours:Β  Red and White

    ID URL:Β Β 2723

    The town has an arena with Warp, a Build Of The Month, Beacon, Shops, Docks, Cathedral, Wall, Paths, Farms, Houses, Netherhub, Fort, Blacksmith,Β Stables, Embassies. It was been around forever. Last time I applied Port Royal was lacking a warp, but it has one now. It is one of the most Popular groups, and the most Popular group for a town. Thank You.

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    I wish the server would stop being a derp, but we appreciate all you do for it and for us. Don’t forget to have a real life, tho. >> Happy birthday to your mother! Spend as much time as you can with her.


    In reply to: Bobo being banned

    Alex Lazescu
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    This is a copy of another useless thread… stop spamming our forums and angering our communities!

    Thank God Jack Sparrow is on the watch eh mates?

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    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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