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  • #6963

    In reply to: Suggestion: Economics

    The Queen
    • Topics: 132
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    Athen you hit some very good points! As ruling and building a empire I do need to get a lot of things. I for 1 completely agree and will support this cause. Good job athen for bringing up this good topic

    Mother and soul protector of the Elven Empire


    In reply to: France

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Atleast you stopped BS’ing us.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

    • Topics: 21
    • Replies: 202
    • Total: 223
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    – for shaders, it depends on what kind of machine you are running as it’s Very intensive. So a half decent machine with a decent gfx card will be  a bonus. If you’re are running a laptop without a dedicated GFX (this excludes the onboard intel/amd one then you have no hope.)

    So for shaders:

    -Insatll Optifine – this needs to relate to your MC client
    -Install Shaders mod core – this needs to relate to your MC client

    – choose and download your shader

    -Open up mc client, change your profile settings , there should be a list of versions, you need the one that says Optifine & shaders mod
    -Now test it on single player. you may need to change teh video settings to make it run smoother.

    that’s a very brief way of doing it. There’s plenty of tuts and vids online so good check them out.



    • Topics: 10
    • Replies: 228
    • Total: 238
    • ★★★★

    Also if this is the wrong forum subsection for this topic I apologize, I wasn’t sure where else to put it.


    In reply to: Christmas Spawn!

    • Topics: 35
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    • ★★★★★★★

    or a ship with a redstone santa that kills players when you get to the top of santas mouth you get gold diamonds and spawners of all kinds even a iron guard with diamond god armor speed 1.0 and diamond sword inchanted here is a link to a plase were you can make any mob have anything


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    • Topics: 35
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    i was thinking maybe making a fórum about GPS boats .Something like if you  type /home  the ship will start driving  to your home bye itself or bye a villiger . it also could be like the helm sing but in that case you would have to specify the home you wish to go because if not it will take your nearest home. It can be stop but only the one driving it. an if you log off it will keep on going and you only need to go home .if it is driving home and you change that home it will only get canceled.


    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    • Topics: 794
    • Replies: 3344
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    I have closed your existing thread with the exact same problem, Please do not spam our forums.

    If you advertise you will be banned, its as simple as that.

    I didnt ban you, you need to tell us who banned you so we can get an understanding of the context.

    • Topics: 794
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    Make sure to go check out the main spawn, its been made christmassy by @Machi Ma_c_hi!

    We havent ever run any christmas events before, So any ideas are welcome.


    Topic: Insta ban!

    in forum Bugs & Glitches
    • Topics: 18
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    just stalking map and I see this, people need to stop I mean really  

    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 6

    I was in teamspeak with cj an uni when this happened- there was talk of the use of /top to get in, but apparently the main way everyone got in was that clay broke a block to get out and have a look, at which point everyone dived inside. Clay managed to block the hole with a same style block, rendering the damage invisible, but Uni already had his home set…so that was that 😛

    Captain of the Freemen of the West Blue. Saorfir go deo!


    In reply to: cjmca Rudeness.

    • Topics: 794
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    Drama and Rude chat needs to stop all together, Mutes will start to be handed out to anyone caught abusing chat.



    In reply to: cjmca Rudeness.

    • Topics: 2
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    • Total: 27
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    Gay people are people just the same.  They are to be loved the same as everyone else.  While I believe it is not right, it was not intended to be upsetting to those who are, or have friends who are.  If you do not want to hear it, that is your choice, as we live in the UK and america, among others, we are free to believe what we want.  If you want to be my enemy, good for’s a pirate server, intended as such.  Besides, I’ve seen people say far more upsetting things on here, such as Uni and Ani, and aren’t banned or even muted.  The topic cj speaks of was a debate that hot heated, thanks to tesla if I remember right.  It was just a debate.

    I’m tired of people saying ”f*** u f******* b**** I hate u” all the time too.  The language, while not outside of the rules, could stop.  Also, I didn’t make fun of gays, throw them under the bus, what have you.


    In reply to: threatening?

    • Topics: 18
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    I know right I mean when you try to fight in a battle people should continue to fight, like a free for all match after all this is a pirate server be prepared for any type of warfare if it comes from the Queen’s Army or pirate battles all should just have fun and stop the rude comments role play is fine but straight up disrespect is different


    The Queen

    • Topics: 794
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    • ★★★★★★★★

    I have replied to your other thread already:

    Sorry i need you help

    Please dont make multiple threads.


    • Topics: 2
    • Replies: 3
    • Total: 5

    it’s been six days I can’t connect on PirateMC because i get a “unknow host”error.

    I already posted in the “Open Group  /Crew Discussion”, nobody answered.
    I therefore ask in a more visible topic.
    thank you

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