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  • #7223
    • Topics: 28
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    ive seens that athens had posted a topic on new ways to build an econamy that isnt just based on earning cash by doing the arena and lottery over and over, or earn a next to nothing selling to shops.


    so i came up with a small idea that might work.

    1, build 2 npc towns at opposite ends of the map.

    2, town 1 sells unique items, lets call then a b and c. these cost £1, £10 and £100..

    3, town 2 buys these items a b and c for £2, £15 and £110


    this will allow players to buy items and then sell them to an npc village to earn some cash.

    ive also set the prices so that the ratio of cost to profit is higher with the cheaper items, which will give poorer players a chance to earn. while still giving the richer players a better profit for having earned the greater amount of cash.


    however there are catches to this. dont want to make it to easy for you all.

    1)these items are none stackable, so if you bring no food or a weapons you can only carry a   maximum of 36 items. ( this works out with a profit of £36, £180 and £360 and earn


    2)if your killed you drop these items, allowing the other person to take them. so theres a good deal of risk involved. do you go for the cheaper items so you lose less if you die. do you carry less of them so you can bring food weapons ands potions.


    3) this ones the big one, and with out it the  whole idea fails. if you tp by any means, the items disapear completely. that means no setting home to move quickly back and forth, no tpa/tpahere to earn cash with a friend.


    4) just to make it harder, if your killed by anything other then another player these items disapear.


    5)these items disapear if dropped or placed in chest.


    i thought this would make another great addition if possible to implament. as it add a way to earn cash with a good amount of risk, having to get from one side of the map to the other, on foot, while facing mobs, starvation and possibly even bandits looking to take these items for them selves. while also allowing players to start working together, as they can aid each others in moving from one side of the map to the other *cough* hire mercs*cough*cough* bodyguards *cough*cough* darklights merc camp *cough*cough*cough* sorry about that i got a bad cough.


    this will also allow players to buy and sell these items, using signs. that way if a player wants to build a town mid way they can buy these items for more then what it costs at the start and sell them on for less then the end, this gives a chance for a smaller profit, but reduces the risk if you only have to go part of the way.



    lets see what you guys think  maybe do a little beta debugging to any other possiblities ive misssed.



    In reply to: the kraken

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    @Dr.Solid You will not get anything for your ship, because it’s not the servers fault that it got “destroyed”

    And now stop arguing


    In reply to: Suggestion: Economics

    • Topics: 18
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    #Cjmaca aka The DragonProject
    • Topics: 3
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    HEy elsa, i may be able to help you out with the channel.

    I myself have had strikes on my own account and they are easy enough to deal with,

    there is a number of things you can do to stop this from happening, the main one being getting partnered to a good network

    After that going through your videos to see if there is any unlicensed material in them is a good idea, and taking them down and re-uploading them with out that material if possible,



    As for wether you should make a new channel or not is really up to yourself, but my suggestion is to download all of you videos of of youtube, and not to upload anything until you get your channel back in good standing, which is simpy a matter of waiting a few weeks till it auto restores to good standing.

    Within that waiting period, keep recording, keep editing, keeping doing what you do except for uploading. But don’t stop channel side work competley, reply to comments, make hcannel art and above all else,  try and network and build subs or even meet other youtubers who can help you out or collaborate with you, on your current, or your new channel, which ever you decide to go with in the end. If you have trouble networking i can probably give you a hand there too as it’s probably what i’m best at when it comes to youtubing.


    I hope this has helped, and also what’s your channel link 🙂 i’d be interested in checking out your work 🙂

    – #Cjmaca

    • Topics: 42
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    Dr.Solid Please stop posting on the forums AND Do not Reply to this

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    • Topics: 794
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    Update 22/12/2014 01:00 am

    The minecraft server broke-down last night at 00:00 as it the physical SSD we run on got completely filled, causing mayhem and destruction.

    After countless Tickets, I finally managed to get some sense out of the host, they decided to move the server without telling me, changed the IP to my FTP without telling me, so I was uploading fixes to the server and nothing was taking place or changing, I couldn’t look at logs, It’s absolutely unimaginable why they would do this without telling me, after me asking at 09:00am and not getting a response till 00:00 tonight. They also deleted the map completely with all my settings, which I don’t have a backup of, so the map stays off-line until I can find a way to host it.

    Some user profiles stored on the map were corrupted, there is nothing I can do about this as I can only restore my backups not download a local copy to extract player profiles (the hosts design).

    Current Problems for people that played on the server between 00:00 and 09:00

    • A very small number of players homes/balances will have been wiped
    • A very small number of players inventory’s would have been wiped

    These players need to reply to this thread with:


    Problem: What was wiped

    Global Issues:

    • Map has been disabled for now
    • /ar leaderboard seems broken
    • Because people will ask, Brewary barrels dont work as its upto the developer to fix, its in no way related to this insolent


    I need to sleep, desperately. I need the help of everyone to test everything on the server and report it back to this thread and this thread only so I can fix anything else that’s broken, anyone that complains in chat, please send them this thread.

    Thank you for your patience.

    Please be patient.

    We are down as the host’s shared server’s main drive got filled up, this in turn crashed us at 00:00 from the 20th-21st.

    The world seems fine, But we are having issues with getting ranks working, Ranks denote permissions for all plugins, without ranks we have no commands, or plugins working at all.

    I have run all configs locally, and they all work fine, this is an issue caused by the host, I have been testing since 9am today its now 18:16, I have wasted my entire sunday trying to get the server up again, I do not want to risk anything or make anything worse.

    I have made this post as there are a lot of impatient people, that are not reading my updates in this thread.

    For people that do not have any patience and are being rude, I do not have patience for them.

    For now, all I can do is wait.


    In reply to: Server Reset?

    • Topics: 794
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    @Bensterpc I have explained the issue already, you need to read, I also cannot estimate as I am still waiting on a response form the host, They caused this, they have made problems it is 100% on their heads to fix.

    The servers up, as I have said already, I will repeat myself again as nobody is reading the topic, There is an issue with our ranking plugin not working, without ranks, there are no permissions, no autorank, nothing at all will work. The map itself is fine, there is no loss there, I can do nothing until I get a mature response from the host with what is going on.

    I have exhausted anything I can do my end, and everything I have tested has failed. This should be a very basic fix, but something else underlying is wrong, that I have no control over, as I have already said.

    • Topics: 10
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    Once I convert it to a brewery it will be a demo town for the brewery plugin, with trade stations for the various drinks (unless theres a way to tradesign them). Gods if there’s anything you’d like to use the empty buildings for after that, you are welcome to take over some of the claims. The Coughing Dog’s Cove Row, I can’t say who will live there obviously (and alot of people think those are part of covetown). As for the Endstone Apartments and any empty buildings (that Gods doesn’t have a plan for) will be auctioned off and the claim reverted to the winners.

    I should have the breweries setup within the next few days, and since the town is being reused for something, many of the old free for use stations will return (enchanting, potions, spawner, etc) with the only trade signs being in the cheap one stop shop for newbs, and perhaps components for the stations (books, wart, etc).

    CoveTown Breweries will be the town itself; but now that it will no longer be a shop town there is no reason people can’t start building small homes past the field. Just keep in mind, I am concentrating my efforts to the new shop in the near future; and if people think it’s fun to greif the unclaimed parts of the town it will be up to those living there to keep it pretty. Not gonna do the whole, fixing giant holes and dirt masterpeices only to have them return an hour later so, bearing that in mind, anyone may build past MrPtr’s house just past the field where the speed tester and appts are.


    In reply to: Suggestion: Economics

    • Topics: 2
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    I don’t see economics as the issue being first and foremost on the mind of your average Piratecraft player. I think most of the players are interested in the things that this server excels at e.g., PVP, Ship Building, Social Interaction, Role Play and Epic Bases.

    As a successful merchant I can say there is no easy way to make IGM. My entire focus since joining this server has been mining, collecting, farming, crafting items, buying and selling. I occupy my time with these activities. BTW; on a previous Movecraft server I was a faction owner and TBH I got a belly full of PVP, role play, baby sitting noobs and trying to keep my power up.

    I provide a service and product so that a player doesn’t have to spend hours mining and crafting. They can get on with the activities they enjoy knowing that by a quick stop at Wog’s Wither Shop /Warp Trade they can pick up a stack of Acacia log, stone, diamond barding, a regeneration potion or an enderchest at some of the lowest prices on the server.

    I provide a cash exchange on many of the more popular blocks and although very few players take advantage of this service I offer some of the best purchase prices on the server. e.g. logs, stone, obsidian, glow, quartz. I give top money for diamonds ($20 each). I currently offer $250 for one Wither Skull yet not one player has sold me any; why? Because it takes hours to harvest one and while you’re trying to get one you are dodging Ghast, Blaze, angry Pigmen and the chance of falling into lava.

    I constantly hear “the economy on this server is hard”. How many of those players will spend an afternoon or evening mining for diamond, fishing for enchanted books, or setting up a tree farm? Yet they think nothing of spending hours at ffa or attacking a well fortified base.

    When someone becomes a successful pirate I hear: “cheat, hack, OP!” could it possibly just be that pirate is simply focused and good at what they do?

    Do not begrudge the merchants for their hard work or the Pirate for his cunning. Life is not equal, Piratecraft is not equal, we all can’t have an epic build, a splendid galleon or war room full of heads and not everyone can’t have a bank account with 10K in it.

    Thus we never see the true state of our condition till it is illustrated to us by its contraries, nor know how to value what we enjoy, but by the want of it.”
    ― Daniel Defoe, Robinson Crusoe


    • Topics: 10
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    The recipes on the list I made are all from the default coding @GodsDead posted earlier in the topic; so all those listed are for sure in the game. Several more (from those suggested) are also being added; but the list I made is JUST the defaults that are for sure in the plugin.


    In reply to: Server Reset?

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    Alright, I know that I was the first to log into the fresh world. I was soon joined by Ollie, Archer, Konstantine, CJ, and a few others before I left (my memory is terrible I’m not sure who else logged on).

    I tried to make this topic before many could log in, but it seems alot of people get on before checking the forums so I’m not sure if that even really helped.


    In reply to: Suggestion: Economics

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    @Ryan Cottone – In this server, it’s very difficult to make a profit at all, unless you have a player shop, but then you have the whole issue of competing. This plan offers a way to make money for those who are ambitious, and some revenue over a “long” time, is better then none at all.

    Also – on the topic of Time, the time it takes to sail your goods will encourage players to rank up more to have access to faster/more defend-able ships.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15


    In reply to: Recording with #Cjmaca

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    sorry for off-topic but what’s up with the server being down?


    In reply to: Brewing Recipes

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    We already have a brewery topic discussing recipes, please keep to one thread.
    I replied with all current recipes.

    [Added][Suggestion] Brewery Plugin


    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Hahah ya… 😀 Check this out :3

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15

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