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  • #10882
    • Topics: 19
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    Don’t create multiple topics when not needed.

    • Topics: 794
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    If you have looked at the map in the last 12 hours, you would have noticed the biggest Aqueduct, Me, Callie and Ma_c_hi spent quite a few hours last night putting in a giant Aqueduct from spawn to The Cove, Its nowhere near finished yet, But Since im going to get a lot of questions about it, I would like to answer them publicly now.

    • Quick path from spawn to other areas along the way, ends up at the cove at present, its a dead stop but could easily carry on across the land mass, (expansion, so don’t build in its way, I will tear down anything that gets in the way)
    • We will have an automated ship that can transport people down this giant aqueduct.
    • We will have Access points down the whole thing, thats to come
    • We will have stations down the entire thing, This is so people can start making paths off it, and then towns etc.

    What I still need help with:

    • I need a medieval boathouse design at either end, It’ll act as a “station” covered boathouse, and also maybe function as a transport system .
    • I need a boat! I have no idea what type of boat(s) to put on this aqueduct, Show me some designs!
    • It needs a name! You get a greeting message when you access that area, At present I called it “Pirate Federation aqueduct” But that does not mean anything, It’s just a place-holder.
    • Im in need of aqueduct builders for the entire claim! This is to add stations etc off it, I will handle expanding the length of the aqueduct if this project actually works.

    For the design, the waterway is way too small at present, Im going to expand it, Im also going to “Smash it up” a bit, to make it look like ruins and 90% of it needs the legs fixed still, It may take me a while to get this sorted.

    I did overlap some builds on my journey, I should be able to give permission to build onto the aqueduct for these people, reply with /getpos at the location you want access in.


    In reply to: The Act Of Use

    • Topics: 21
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    How about making a fee to use warps. We admins and mods are discussing this issue quite heavily.

    I do not see a poibt of a new world to stop warps, i believe godsdead has a plan up his sleeve.

    Alternatively only havibg a very few warps, say 5 in total like NSEW and Trade. These would contain a fee. Hopefully this will lead to people using ships.


    In reply to: The Act Of Use

    • Topics: 28
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    @Alex Lazescu, but would you get that head start, as you ll know, ive been a warp killer hunter for a long time now, any who kill at a warp usually end up seeing the end of my blade at some point or another.

    plenty of these players are built 20min away from a warp.

    why do these plyers not prepare the defences…… simple cause even though im coming on foot, and even though there is a nice map to show you were every one is……. you cant see an invisible player.

    but i say wait a few days, week top. we might just have a little post that will minimise the fear of warps.

    • Topics: 111
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    Thy those scallywags who warp’ aroun’, they ain’t going no where!

    Real Language:

    For all those who support the fact that warps should be disabled, join me! I know, this will be really hard. But this is pirate craft, and we are pirates! The Act of Use is using ships, not warps. Only ships. Many will say its to hard, but I say

    Pirate Language:

    Get yo slobbin body of th’ couch and set sail! Get outta’ yo base and sail bout’ everywhere!

    Real language:

    All ships no warps, for those who are too lazy to move around, so be it! I don’t care if its one man or twenty, as long as people start using ships! For those who complain about that the materials for ships are out of stock, no they aren’t. Go to cove, buy the kits. So quit being lazy!!

    Pirate Language:

    Put up th’ black flag and fire th’ cannons! Don’t stop til’ you ge’ enough! Use yo ships and sail, an’ raid. Witness the powr’ of cannons! Set fire to th’ ships! Burn em’ down! Liv’ a piraty life!!



    In reply to: Ships Can Be Useless

    • Topics: 111
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    OK guys stay on topic, just so everyone knows, I am not using warps anymore. I now have a ship of my own and I am willing to open it up on the seas. Thank all of you for inspiring me. If you wish to join this act, contact me ingame. Also if I see a warped player, they might end up on my list.



    In reply to: Ships Can Be Useless

    • Topics: 794
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    I miss V1… the skyworld idea has been around for a while, hopefully starting it brings in new players, and some old ones, like tim. I think that the best way to reduce server dependence on TP is to bring about the following; Longer cooldowns, but a gradual change. Community projects to build paths, canals, aqueducts, rails, etc. Possibly payment? Transport links between the main hubs (trade, cove, spawn, skyshop, shop, donate, etc), which smaller towns can connect too to gain access to all the warps. Take the following scenario; I’ve gone to skyshop to find some wood, but its out, so I take a ship/minecart to trade. Over time, warping from my house to trade, and back again takes time, so I decide to do 2 things; I buy a house at trade, so I can spend my cooldown time in safety, and begin construction of a rail link between my town and the nearest “warp”, cove for example, so I can also have a link to every other warp on the server via rail. So, not only does the economy of the warps increase due to increased stays, but they also gain links to smaller towns.


    I’ve tried many times for server projects, I REALLY want to get the server paths and aqueduct sorted, I thought this would end up just being me that had to do this 🙁

    They both need project leaders to organise the building, and keep people motivated.

    Server Road Design & Blueprints

    I started a randomly generated road by myself based on the dynmap lines I draw on the map, I was going to do another for the Aquaduct from spawn to the Cove too.

    I know where I want them to roughly go, Just no team to help start this!


    In reply to: Ships Can Be Useless

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    Ive talked about this many, many, many times, But I’ll go over this again.

    Since people are used to teleporting, you can’t just pull that from them, That would be a 70-80% loss off all players.

    People are used to getting things right then and there, Fed up or just impossible to start, this incurs more issues like escaping from a PVP nutjob.

    If we were going to remove teleporting, it has to be ALL teleporting, TPA, /home, back, top, warps, everything, que the 300 messages sent to ME every 10 seconds.

    I have suggested we have a completely separate world that has all teleport disabled, a skyworld, To test this separately.

    • Topics: 794
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    Lets resurrect this topic for a second time!

    Since I have created a new web UI, you are now able to see the kind of data we can work with for getting achievements, We could also have it so achievement badges are displayed on player profiles on the stats web interface!

    But first we need about 30 achievements ranging from easy to impossible.


    • Topics: 16
    • Replies: 347
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    Topic closed.


    • Topics: 35
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    Posesore of the Ope Ope No Mi

    i realy like One Piece

    • Topics: 42
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    Yes i changed my username last night. so its not an alt, secondly i plan to use that claim to siege from that was just the top part. If you don’t like the signs ill remove them. The Structure was going to be a throne but i ran of quartz while building. Also i made sure i put it in an undeveloped area away from it again if u don’t like the spot ill move it ..


    on a side note Stuff said via map by bislo and crazy has been offensive. I brush it off don’t mind it too much at the time, but if you want to go and say I’m being offensive, thats when i start to take offence that you would stoop so low as to report me for things that were not meant to be offensive, yet i don’t report you for things said to me meant to be offensive.


    On a completely different note, @GodsDead it may look like i didnt change my name because someone has given me the /nick unic0rnjunk101 i don’t know why I have it but it is that. Could you remove it please? thanks

    Lucky you will be missed 🙁

    • Topics: 67
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    Just to clear things out.. I only stated my opinion and i was talking on my own behalf. As i Live in my own city, I think it would be unfair to other players as i would have a safe heaven where no one could touch me, and since i also am a pvp’er, not often, but i do kill other people occasionally, i think it would be unfair for my enemies..

    With thats said, I’m not against a solution to the pvp porblem, i just think the current solution being presented is too flawed to use in my town at least.
    I mean, I would like my shop and my other external merchants shops to be safeguarded, but i’m afraid there would be an outcry by several players saying i’m hacking and cheating and such..


    I did propose a timed out pvp, so as to where if you use a warp, you will have a cooldown timer on pvp, set it to 5-10 minutes and it could all be stopped. Yes, players could just wait around the warp for 10 minutes, but it would give customers a chance to get away. Also new players arriving in the warp would be protected and thus cannot be overwhelmed by an OP standing right in front of them while they are loading the blocks.

    I am no programmer or modder for that sake so i have no clue as to a such plugin existing at all and that is a problem in itself, i understand. So if anyone here knows about or can create a such plugin i think it would solved not just, the shop pvp, but also warp-killing in general, as it would be impossible to go siege someone, then tp all your friends into the fight like magic 😉

    Founder of Port Hope

    Alex Lazescu
    • Topics: 17
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    Well, once again, the new Reputation plugin would certainly be helpful for the player base to keep an eye on any infamous pirates.

    Gods, your server balances on a precarious line. On one half, its a step away from becoming a hardcore PvP server with non-stop pirate raiding. On the other half, its a step away from becoming a new economy server, only with 1600’s themed shops/cities etc.

    By verging on this line, you attract players interested in both, and obviously, they conflict.
    So you have to choose what kind of player base this server is really for, and I think that everyone needs to be reminded that Trade Hubs would be raided on a weekly, or daily basis by pirates historically.

    Gods, if you want the server to have a balance of both, you need a very clear system in place that tells us what is extremism, and what is allowed.

    Do not think that I am biased toward’s the Pirate aspect, WogWorld was actually a really good friend of mine, and it’s sorrowed me deeply that he’s left the server.

    Retired Pirate 6/25/14 -- 6/15/15


    In reply to: Its MaskedArmadillo!

    • Topics: 4
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    Also do you know any important places I should stop by when I start playing tonight?

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